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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    butbutbut *foams at mouth* I mean what's with you guys D: I wasn't asking for cameras! and I want to be all nice and inclusive and have a conference room where people can also come in and listen too and just reply with text if they can't/don't want to talk. *cough* er, I meant to say, hi (...
  2. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    Whoa, you're here Meche!? o.ó HI! (I have totally grown fond of that nickname, so I apologise if you don't go by it any more <3) And... well I kinda think a video conference would be a bad idea. Or at least, many people don't have webcams or are nervous about using them or it'd use up too much...
  3. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    Well I was thinking just voice, not video, and THAT'S TOTALLY CUTE ~ So Skype? I'll have to see how it checks out in a conference, but it seems pretty good most of the time... ((: Aaaand UV, if you don't like MSN maybe try one of those multi-messenger things... like uhhh Pidgin was it called...
  4. Furiianda

    Voice Chat, Dudes

    (Yes/No? and You may want to skip that first paragraph, it's pretty pointless) Now I know a few veterans remember the YIM conference days (and a lot of them are understandably on IRC now!) and how we would totally have oodles of fun and talk on voicechat and cool stuff! :D Though I was little...
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