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Search results

  1. Harlequin


    Gay men are, like, hypersexual when compared with straight men. It's one of those thingies, right. BASICALLY homosexual males are at the same time more masculine and more feminine than heterosexual males, and an increased sex drive is one of the "more masculine" traits. Plus, mainstream 'gay...
  2. Harlequin


    When we're talking about gender, yes, but when it comes to sex it gets a little bit iffy. MTF transsexuals generally come out it looking good with a good new vagina, but FTM transsexuals don't get as good a deal there. I'd find it difficult to be attracted to an FTM transdude and that's not...
  3. Harlequin


    I like to think of these things. :B I'd have a problem with the word "xenophilia" because "philia" as a suffix has largely negative connotations for most of society. A word such as "xenosexual" might work a bit better, but that falls into the trap of excluding people who like both their own...
  4. Harlequin


    What would you call someone who's attracted to someone of another species? Would attraction to another sapient species be bestiality? I don't think so, personally, and I'd rather call it pansexuality.
  5. Harlequin


    Well, pansexual will have a point when/if we ever find another sapient speices! It's just sort of pointless now.
  6. Harlequin


    In more traditional, rural areas it would have been extremely common for schoolyard relationships to blossom into marriages, especially half a century ago. Now, though, that's simply not true: people are going to university and "playing the field" a lot more than before, and there's no...
  7. Harlequin


    And sometimes, just sometimes, a school relationship will end up as a happy marriage of over twenty years... until the boy comes out as gay! (True story)
  8. Harlequin


    Yeah, that happens sometimes. It's sad. :( Poor girls.
  9. Harlequin


    Superficial and fleeting relationships are part of the process of learning how to be with another person. They help form part of who you are and they also provide useful practise for ~*the real thing*~ later on in life. They help you to learn what sorts of people you like and the people with...
  10. Harlequin


    I always feel upset and disappointed when girls are attracted to me. I also feel guilty that I can't actually go through with anything, because most of the girls who like me are really nice, pretty and interesting girls. It's upsetting and disappointing. Both because I feel like I've failed...
  11. Harlequin


    Nah, it's totally possible. The majority of the active, non-P101 users at GoVTeen aren't heterosexual. There was a poll a while back which showed that roughly 50% of the regular posters were not heterosexual. (And no, this poll wasn't posted in the gay forum.)
  12. Harlequin


    Well, yes, of course it's discriminatory. That's the entire point. I am not sexually interested in girls so why should I invest time in a wasted project? I'm never going to love the woman as more than a friend so why bother? What's the point of a romantic relationship if there's never any sex...
  13. Harlequin


    That's nice, but it's probably true for everyone. When someone says "what's your sexuality?" they're not asking for the potentials, they're asking for your past record of attraction. "I am a five on the Kinsey scale. I am gay." "I am a 1 on the Kinsey scale. I am straight." etc. Potentially...
  14. Harlequin


    Yeah, that's a term that works but honestly, without sexual attraction isn't that love just "friendship"? A very, very close and deep friendship, but at the end of the day it's still friendship.
  15. Harlequin


    Except that's not really bisexual, Cirrus. For something to be part of your sexuality it requires the sex part. If you're not attracted to or aroused by men then you can't claim bisexuality.
  16. Harlequin


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