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  1. Harlequin


    When it stops being a parasite (ie it can live outside of the mother's body) then I guess that's a good place for a line.
  2. Harlequin


    I don't think Zhorken means "I want a genius child" but rather "I want a child of at least average intelligence" which is ... what most people want, really.
  3. Harlequin


    well I'd totally do that except a) I don't have a womb and b) why
  4. Harlequin


    I love you for finding that it it made my day thank you so much
  5. Harlequin


    I don't think I'd want any sort of disabled child. I don't view disabled people as anything "less" than people, I just don't want to bring something disabled into the world. If it happens later in life then, well, that's life, but to disadvantage a child from the moment it's born? :(
  6. Harlequin


    well, it's suck to have what's basically a statue as a child. if it can't do anything then what's the point. plus I'd rather my children be, you know, healthy
  7. Harlequin


    mother's decision is final obv but there should be some situation where the couple should try to reach a compromise.
  8. Harlequin


    The father should have some input, certainly, but not the ability to override the mother's choice. Of course, it's the mother's parasite to do with as she wishes, but the father should get a little bit of input. See if they can work out something they'll both be happy with, idk.
  9. Harlequin


    Oh, I know. I'm saying that it's still quite tragic when a teenage girl gets pregnant because she won't have the same life experiences other people her age will. I've seen it happen before and I'm currently watching it happen to some schoolmates of mine. And your point about family support -...
  10. Harlequin


    The problem with teen mothers isn't that they're young, exactly, it's more about who and what they are. Most teenage mothers tend to be less well educated and tend towards having a lower income etc. The problem is that they live off benefits and it's a vicious circle or something idk. ALSO...
  11. Harlequin


    The problem is that every time you masturbate or have a wet dream you're "killing" potential babies. Same for periods. We should do our best to bring children into the world at every opportunity! They're gifts from God. We have to just accept them!
  12. Harlequin


    You only hear about the ones who keep it, though. There are many, many more that have abortions and just never talk about it.
  13. Harlequin


    Pregnancy is a choice, not a punishment.
  14. Harlequin


    it's a cluster of cells that are alive it's not "a life" in the sense that most people use the term though.
  15. Harlequin


    Actually, I think most of us are in favour of not having babies in the first place but in the disgusting and unfortunate scenario that we somehow manage to get someone/ourselves pregnant we'd rather not have it. I think everyone would prefer that people didn't have abortions but the fact is...
  16. Harlequin


    If you abort it it will never feel sad that it was aborted. problem solved.
  17. Harlequin


  18. Harlequin


    abortions for anyone who wants one! no seriously it's her parasite let her do what she wants.
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