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Search results

  1. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    ALRIGHT I AM POSTING. 8[ I got behind in the posts and keep going "aaah now I have to reply to a lot of people!" but instead I am not going to reply to a lot of people so I can pretend I'm caught up in the posts! I read them all and you guys are all great, but, I just keep getting more behind...
  2. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I'm at nineteen thousand now! I haven't written much yet today, still, but yayayay. Also, I meant to mention that I was so tired the other day that for the first time after eight months of writing in my notebook, I completely forgot to do the hundred words. Pretended it was still the right date...
  3. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Yayayayay so many people are above ten thousand or otherwise doing an excellent job! :DDD My side characters that I specifically placed into the story as cardboard cutouts of various archetypes decided to be interesting and develop personalities all of a sudden and I was having fun writing them...
  4. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Two-oh, two-seven words for today! Two thousand fifteen. For a total of 16226. Now I can go to bed and not get enough sleep! Yayyyy. (But I stayed up to make this post for you guys because who needs sleep?) @People who are behind: You can still do it! Lots of people get behind and then do some...
  5. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Awww, you guys are the best too. :D Yayyyy 2048 yesterday, and finally getting ready to go to bed with 2379 for today. Posting now instead of later like usual before the numbers change: I currently stand at a hefty 14196, so far as I can see second only to Arylett! Go, Arylett! Also, bonus...
  6. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Noooo I got behind on posts! I think I have everyone here I was considering saying something to, though! Got 2010 on the third, and 2342 yesterday. I have only 224 so far today and I am writing a post here instead of working on it even though it's way past bed time because aaaah. But I'm still...
  7. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Yay! How's your notebook page count doing? Typing from paper is probably my least favorite part of writing ever, but then you get to write during school and stuff, so, that's kind of important I guess. Oh! Are you going to keep notebooking over your breaks, or will you start typing then and go...
  8. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I got up an hour earlier than I wanted to because I did not check my alarm for mistakes, but maybe I'll be more inclined to go to bed! Maybe. I obtained a nice 2022 words yesterday, for a total of 5404. Look at these numbers, you guys. 3377/2022/5404 Why is it that I always get so many repeat...
  9. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Oh, also Geometry. Geometry quizzes plus tech quizzes would be good. Zero words for today so far but it is because I am attempting to work on homework! Also ice cream. That's great! You have nice parents. It might get stressful later on, but you know, it's also way easier to churn out words...
  10. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Hit 3377 yesterday, staying up pretty late. +2000 words about the story, +100 words in my notebook for a different story. I'm not counting those officially for obvious reasons, but they at least count for something. And before I put it off again, I'm posting it here so I'll feel even worse if I...
  11. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Yayyyy I've written 2388 so far today! That only took like four hours. But I'll get faster, I'm sure, as I get into the habit and now that I have actually started so I'm not stuck sitting around trying to come up with a beginning. I should probably try to write some more when I stop being...
  12. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Great job, Linoone! :D See, even if by some crazy accident you don't hit fifty thousand (this won't happen to you), you still win! It is now your best ever! You're already beating records! :D I wrote two thousand words... about my story. It doesn't count toward my total. I did decide what to...
  13. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    They've been added to the first post. Stillll haven't decided. And I have so much school work this month. D: Now I'm starting to panic. ...And I'm playing Justice for All instead of doing anything about it.
  14. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Don't worry, Ketsu! Everyone is with you! :D (call your friends and say "SUPPORT ME. 8[" ) ...You wrote novels and fanfics for school? Seriously, you guys, lots of people with jobs and stuff do NaNoWriMo. You'll be great. :D I'm not sure whether or not to join a team. I mean, I'll pretty...
  15. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I was still on the fence about NaNoWriMo, but my parents suddenly got interested. "So what are you going to write about for NaNoWriMo? :D" "Come on, weren't you complaining that your friend bailed on you?" "What are you going to wriiiiite" So! Now I'm in, I guess. I feel kind of bad about it...
  16. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    It's certainly not a waste in any sense of the word; you can improve your writing and prove to yourself that you can, in fact, write a novel. Additionally, it gives you something to show off and get critique for since fanfiction is much easier to display (no potential legal issues, no shortage...
  17. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    @Elliekat I originally liked the first one the best, but reading over the third one again it sounds really interesting. I'm not normally interested in memory loss, but that's more because it's usually a really boring plot device than because it's a bad concept. I think it would be exciting to...
  18. Hiikaru

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I'm sort of interested in actually doing NaNoWriMo for once, but I'm not sure. I already know that I can write a novel because I've done it, and I don't care that much about the fact that a bunch of other people I've never heard of are doing the same thing. And I kind of wish someone I...
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