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  1. Hiikaru


    No one is saying that. For one thing, what's being said is that children and adults have people who will grieve over them, so part of why murder is wrong is you're causing a lot of bad feelings for a lot of people. If someone chooses an abortion, either they have no bad feelings, or they're...
  2. Hiikaru


    That's not really important, though! One thing that's said is "an acorn has the potential to become an oak tree, but that doesn't mean that you should treat an acorn as if it were an oak tree." If you decide that every fetus that will survive should survive, how come that's different from...
  3. Hiikaru


    Well, yes, if someone believes that aborting a fetus is the same thing as a randomly killing a child, or even an adult person, then of course they think it shouldn't be aborted - you wouldn't kill a child or an adult person for no reason, after all, so why would you think that the equivalent was...
  4. Hiikaru


    Aoboru: Okay, so your view is like "well, yeah, gay people should be allowed to get married, but it's not a natural right, so it's fine to ban them from that," isn't it? (feel free to correct me if that's not it!) Well, marriage isn't the only thing that you can say isn't a natural right...
  5. Hiikaru


    Right, so, I've been asked to enter Serious Business for the first time. It's pretty intimidating! Especially in a thread moving so fast and this heated... Eep. I'm addressing Zoltea only at the moment - Zoltea, there are a lot of things you're misunderstanding, please try to understand them...
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