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Search results

  1. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Yet another mega bump. Mewtini/Sugarcane is eliminated due to votes. so, next contest! Choose!
  2. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Ack, mega-bump. We need another voting session, it's tied between Titress and Sugarcane. PM the votes.
  3. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

  4. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: *appears with a mustache* Bonjour! I em Javi, your host! Today, you will make dishez for me and the judges! Which are Cook, Sprites the former host, and me!!!!!!! Whoever wins gets an all expenze paid gourmet dinner. Celebi: Great to be here, Javi. Machamp: I'm just here for the...
  5. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: Stop ran-chatting. I will get to the contest.
  6. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: Gah okay. I will RNG and the one that lands is the one I will judge,
  7. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: It's just one dish. Choose one and PM to me.
  8. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: Please, consult with your teams through PMs. Then PM me the choice.
  9. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: PM me what your team will make.
  10. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: So the baking contest? Okay! I will order the ingredients.*phones the bakery* Yes, is this Bakey Bake? Yes, two metric tons of flour, wheat, frosting...
  11. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: Hohoho, second elimination! You should know the drill by now. Here I have a total of 6 marshiemallows. *eats one* Guess only 5 of you will stay. First one goes to... Bro! Smeargle: HA!!! Squirtle: Superbird, Amp and Lavender come claim your marshmallows! Ampharos Cherrim Swellow...
  12. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Stop ran-chat (random chat). I will get to the elimination.
  13. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: Cookies aren't godmodding.
  14. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: OH SHI- *Hurricane hits hard on them* Mayday, mayday our cannons are busted! All available crew to right wing, repeat, all available crew to right wing! Zorua Venomoth Mew: *start repairing right wing* Froslass: EAT THIS SHIT FUCKERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!! *unleashes Blizzard amidst the...
  15. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    We will don't worry. Stop chatting now, so I can get to the real deal.
  16. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: This is getting rough! Duggy, plant these land mines on the arena. *planes zoom by* Dugtrio: There! That should do it. *returns to Javi* Squirtle: Is the deed done? Dugtrio: Indeed indeed it is. OOC: Whichever team crashes first explodes.
  17. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: Okay! Building time is over. Now they will face off! Whoever wins gets invincibility. a) Go in guns blazing. b) Dodge and then attack. Squirtle & Machamp: *go into an explosion-proof chamber*
  18. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    squirtle: Kay! Team Bidoof chose an average plane, while the Magikarps chose a light plane. *sends the parts* a) Build! b) Draw the plans.
  19. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

  20. I liek Squirtles

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Squirtle: Okay! We're doing the planes! So teams, congregate and choose which plane you want, so I can order the parts. A) Fast weak fighter plane B) Strong (defense) slow fighter plane
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