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  1. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    out of nowwer cam rik 'hey n00bz let meh tek caer of tis sombi' he sed an kild it wi his revolvwr. 'omigod rik ur so cool' sed epi then he med out w/ msity agen.
  2. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'okei msoty cmon an amy 2' sed epi. den thay flu to sinbar iland nd they snte oot ther pokemanz. 'ok us heal tehh wurld' sed msoty an form teh grond cam mikel jaksen. then he sed 'lol i cam heer 2 sav u n00bs' then he dansd triler an sinabr was saf. bu tehn epi notcide a han comin out of teh...
  3. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'snadra cn u here me' sed epi telepatheticaly. 'can u giv me ur money pls'
  4. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    msity and epi came in biks to the cave. 'hey i alredy got pusesd so u late person shud skreu of' sed epi '4 wonce i agry w/ aliz'
  5. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    onse mstiy and epi finiched maken out they desided they wer gunna get biks.
  6. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'omigod lola u savd me' epi sed 'lets make out msity' and then thay mead out liek boses.
  7. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'uhh guys mah bf is truped by tutankamun. pls help him' 'mwahaha i is a kittan' sed epis posesed bodey.
  8. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'noo my bf is truped' sed msity. 'halp him lil gurl. us ur speshul poawers.'
  9. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    a pirt of epi was stil undr his control the rest bilonged to tutankamen. his stil safe part sed 'halp meh i is traped in mah own bodeh'.
  10. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'lol nubs me amy and mitsy alredy have profesey look' he hodls op a skrol. 'it ses taht hooevr opens it wil be a matser' and he wz envlopd in bindling lait. 'i am the sprit of tutankamen. bow doun!' his eys wer a wierd red.
  11. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'cmon lola jion me amy an mosty to get to teh prfesy. then u can wacth me and misty meka out.'
  12. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'cmon mitsy an amy we ned to get teh profeshee furst or els we loos' 'ok epi then cn we mak out?' 'ya sure masty' sed epi.
  13. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    ok horsee wet those gurls i dont liek them' sed epi. 'imma be the prfese furst1!!!1!!!'
  14. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'sotp it u cant tak mah bages!' masty slaped the 2 ignant gurls.
  15. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    epi sau da 2 ppl that roined his dey. 'mastty tel ur pokemanz to atak those turds' masty sed ok adn the bulys got hit w/ agyyrdos and a kindra.
  16. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'ok' they sed as tey tok amy out of teh bad woter. 'hey u cant arest us' sed mosty 'go gyardos sick em boys' anen gyardos an kidra burst into da cave and sed 'we cam here to kik as an fuc bihtes. an we all out of bihtes'.
  17. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    now masty got med bcos teh bad gurls stol from tehm. she caled oficer jeny and jeny traked aliz and snadra ad arested dem. 'srry grls u r arested 4 robery'
  18. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    epi is med now. 'u guyz r bulys u dont decerv to b in teh pr0fesy' he then took masty adn want to teh cav and saw annen. 'omigod annen il help u' he helped her and than epi started makin out wit mitsy agan.
  19. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'hey u bulys stop pushin mai bf' she then kiked them al in the CROTHC and took epi out of the wetar adn gav him crp.
  20. I liek Squirtles

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    'u guyz r bulys!' screemd epi. 'hey stap talkin lik taht to my bf' sed misty throwing donfans at teh bulys. tehy then lepht to go 2 teh cave.
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