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Search results

  1. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Oh, wow, that was only the second most intense match I've ever had, next to the one in the gladiator arena with my Tropius that never died. And yes Paralysis is hax. :x Good game! Really all down to chance for that last one. Thanks. :3
  2. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Hrm. That's very confusing, but you've got an IQ of over 5000 so you should be fine. Start with Future Sight which is an attack and should cause him to protect when he sees you. On the second action, Shock Wave. If he does manage to protect, no big loss. Third action, Charge beam-- if he throws...
  3. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Hm. Damage cap. Well, you can still take some more damage, Phanel; the important thing here is not to collapse from fatigue. Since you now can without a doubt outrun your foe, mess with him a bit more with a Reflect. Then Chill, but if he does something obnoxious to mess with the chill Shock...
  4. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Counter, since you can afford to take the damage of the Night Slash, then Thunder Wave and Chill, taking the damage from X-scissor (or hoping for paralysis). Counter ~ Thunder Wave ~ Chill
  5. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    As far as I understand it, Alakazam has 120 base speed to Osgrave's 83, and since they're both severely paralyzed (let's say -6) the one with more base speed would go first (as is the case when two Pokemon use a priority move, for example). So Alakazam would move first. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    FFFFF. Well, Phanel, we have plenty of energy, so rest and sleep talk. (you should be faster than him since you're both paralyzed. Actually, that makes me wonder kinda why he wasn't able to get Recover off first last round, unless it functions differently in ASB which I missed.) Rest/Sleep Talk...
  7. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Recover (to take the edge off of that potential Brine attack, although I suppose this means he will use hidden power instead), then charge beam twice and hope for the special attack boost; if you find yourself overcome with Paralysis (not that you're moving very much), chill. Recover/Chill ~...
  8. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    It's no good being slower than your opponent, so Thunder Wave to bring him down to your level, then exploit some type matchups with a Shock Wave or two. If he dodges or protects against your Thunder Wave the first action, calm mind instead and thunderwave the next action. Thunder wave/Calm mind...
  9. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Defeat it before it can inflict any serious damage, Phanel. If you can't reach it, Calm Mind. Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Punch/Calm Mind
  10. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    ...It is unfortunate that you fell, Ganteiana, however your sacrifice will not be for nothing. Phanel, let's not waste any more time. Much as we would like to give the other Union members experience, there's a time for everything and yours is now.
  11. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Start with a Counter against that Aerial Ace, then let's RIP TEAR KILL with an Flare Blitz, followed by a Facade unless the damage cap has been reached in which case bulk up. Counter ~ Flare Blitz ~ Facade/Bulk Up
  12. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Not looking forward to next round's effect, unless it's sunlight by some twist of fate, but then again, this -is- the battle pike, after all. Start off with a rock tomb, if he dodges or protects then focus energy instead. Next, focus energy if you haven't yet, otherwise rock tomb if you can hit...
  13. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    Pff. Type disadvantages? We laugh in the face of type disadvantages, Ana. You're powerful enough to kick this oddly typed scorpion into its place. And by its place, we mean the ground. Start things off with a will-o-wisp, then swords dance if you pulled it off successfully, or a rock tomb if...
  14. Involuntary Twitch

    [09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

    A highly luck-based battle. But the Twitchean Union doesn't believe in luck. We believe in strategy. We believe in victory. We believe in world domination. combusken Ana! Go forth and blaze a path for the Union!
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