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Search results

  1. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    That was fun; I much enjoyed my pickpocketing ability. I loved the whole idea of role progressions; although I have to wonder (given the number of posts required for some of the uber-levels) whether you expected this game to last about four or five more game days than it actually did, Kratos...
  2. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] Oh, sorry. Seri must've copy-pasted it from you toward the end of last in-game day.
  3. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] ^Karkat: Not according to Seri's list.
  4. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] Grr confounding variables. Yeah, it could have been the framer. But I still don't trust her yet. As GAS said, could you tell us who you've healed each night, Cirrus? GAS, lynching Flower Doll is not good, because I need her alive to nick...
  5. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] I think the forumz just ate my post. Cirrus is mafia, used up my last inspection power, her curtains are tacky, blah blah blah.
  6. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] guys guys guys Cirrus is mafia gogogogo also her curtains are tacky-looking. (and just soz youz knowz, that was my last inspection-power-use-thingy, so tomorrow night i'mma hafta nick another use off Flower Doll. just sayin'.) (inspected her...
  7. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] Those four are the only "main" members; the other two Mafia-aligned (as opposed to third-party or "self-aligned", so to speak) roles cannot communicate with the other Mafia members and, IIRC, don't know who the main Mafia are (and vice versa)...
  8. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] I inspected Karkat last night and confirmed that he is indeed, as we supposed but hadn't yet confirmed, not mafia. It's 48 hours for discussion, not "until we get a majority" or something, so it doesn't matter how soon in the day we vote for her...
  9. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Sure! I can't inspect and pickpocket in the same night, though, so after I use up the two I've got now I'll have to either go to verifying people via pickpocket, using my other powers, or alternating nights between pickpocketing Flora and...
  10. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] I think the mere presence of a level five power would probably qualify you; most of us have said we only have four levels (Karkat excepted), right? I levelled up to my fourth (final) level last night. I pickpocketed Flower Doll last night and got...
  11. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Since we know so few roles, I think the point was more to preserve our useful talkers than roles.
  12. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] I was just going by GAS's list, which I suppose it made based on who's been the most active. Off the top of my head, Mai, Applebloom and I are other somewhat talkative/useful players (even if perhaps not in this game) who are even-numbered.
  13. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] How about we tell Raine to only heal players who are odd-numbered on the player list at the top of the thread, and Sheena to only heal even-numbered? (Raine can be encouraged to heal either GAS or Applejack, and Sheena can be encouraged to heal...
  14. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Since we've got a little more time tonight, assuming I can't evolve tonight, I'll only have my kill and roleblock abilities left. Does anybody have a target to suggest for either ability? This thread is getting to be such a clusterfuck that all the...
  15. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Dannichu is mostly good at Mafia because she handles her night actions strategically and, in games with permitted outside-of-thread communication, makes useful connections that allow her to be part of a core group of innocents who trust that each...
  16. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Two posts which Kratos considers useful, that is. Did your role PM explicitly call your sanity into question (is that the drawback to level 2, and then you become perfectly sane later?) or are you just speculating?
  17. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] I agree with all of everyone's points about the SK and about Flora, but I'll wait to vote until she roleclaims. Not that she probably can even use her ability regardless, but I think knowing what we're missing would be nice even if we're missing it...
  18. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] ... if that is true we have no poisoner left. Schweet. (Speaking of the Mafia, if the Mafia's kill keeps getting blocked I have to wonder why Brute isn't using his unblockable kills. Unless he hasn't been posting enough to get them yet?)
  19. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Yes, there definitely can be, because my role PM explicitly said that my protects *can* clash with Raine's and Sheena's. In any case, last night I used my protection power on Mai for lack of thinking of anything else to do, so I only have my...
  20. JackPK

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 3] Obviously. Normally I would do this but I'm about to go to my play rehearsal and then I have D&D so I'm not going to be back all night. But since (A) you guys are collecting roleclaims, (B) I don't really consider my role too useful, or maybe...
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