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  1. JackPK

    ASB Hack Discussion

    All EXP from battles is added to your profile by Negrek whenever she comes around and does it; you don't have to post anything anywhere. If it hasn't been added a week or so after your battle ended, I would call it to her attention in case she missed it.
  2. JackPK

    ASB Hack Discussion

    My battle record has also disappeared; I'd like to also note (since nobody seems to have already noted, at least not in so many words) that I was able to see it before (even though it was blank) and now the space for it is gone altogether.
  3. JackPK

    ASB Hack Discussion

    If I'm not mistaken, non-evo items are still purchasable at the other shops (Kusari-Mart and Grass King's, for example) just as they always have been. The only items that got put in the automated shop are those which were purchasable at the PRO pre-hack.
  4. JackPK

    ASB Hack Discussion

    It's at the very bottom of the "Manage Your Pokemon" page. First navigate to that page via the box on the left-hand side of your CP, then scroll down to the bottom, below your PC Box. It should look something like this: http://i54.tinypic.com/v4121c.png EDIT: And by the by, Negrek, not that it...
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