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Search results

  1. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Indeed, that challenge was taken and completed already. I intended to bring that up upon posting my next challenges, but I guess I procrastinated too long. Oh well. Two challenges today. Same specs, but I'll repost them twice just for ease. I don't want to fight the same person on both arenas...
  2. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Common courtesy is also to repost something when you have to change it, instead of editing. (Exception: the Profile Archive.)
  3. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    The number on the top right corner of the post, to clarify. (For me at least, that symbol is on the bottom left of the post. I think it may vary depending on your style - I'm in Scyther Slash - by the number is always on the top right.)
  4. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    I love using Seventh Sanctum to come up with ideas for arenas. 1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: Standard week Damage cap: 60% Banned moves: OHKO's; each Pokemon limited to one direct-healing move Arena: Witches' Province A magical corner of the world, inhabited primarily by witches and warlocks. The...
  5. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Holy crap, joining. I hope I didn't miss anyone's profile links.
  6. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Ummm... it's a 2-person triple battle with each player using 3 Pokemon, unless I'm interpreting it wrong. A three-way battle with 3 Pokemon each would be labelled 3vs3vs3.
  7. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Sounds too cool! I'll battle you. profile
  8. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    The imminent English release of BW has lured me back from my hiatus/sabbatical/whatever you want to call it. Not reffing again yet (as I prefer to get back in the swing of things first), but as I understand it there isn't any formal procedure for me to rejoin beyond just becoming active again...
  9. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Kratos vs. Blazhy because for some reason I want two of the best refs here to be scrutinizing my reffing skills that haven't been exercised since October. Thread'll be up in a few minutes.
  10. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    50% cap is good with me. I just got 37 from a random number generator before because I didn't really care. Also, my profile because I forgot it before. And I'm reposting the challenge so Blazhy can quote it again and post her profile because she also forgot it (lol @ us). 2vs2 single Style...
  11. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    CHALLENGE FOR BLAZHY... because my high school's putting on Beauty and the Beast for our musical this year. 2vs2 single Style: Set DQ: Standard week Damage cap: 37% Banned moves: OHKO's, Chills, direct healers Arena: Enchanted Castle We battle in a side room in an enchanted castle of France's...
  12. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 single Style: Switch DQ: 2 weeks Damage Cap: 65% Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, direct healers limited to 1 per Pokemon, chills limited to 1 per side per round Arena: Whirl Islands We'll battle in the depths of the Whirl Islands of Johto. We'll start out on the lower level as seen in...
  13. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    I'll ref Lord Shyguy vs. Loco Mocho. The thread will be up in a couple of minutes.
  14. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Sounds interesting. I'd love to battle you! My profile link.
  15. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Well, then, I'll accept this challenge! Mah profile!
  16. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    I lurve Star Wars! Profile~
  17. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Taking this battle because apparently 2 reffing deadlines are better than one I have all my ASB stuff uploaded to my MacBook now so I can work on reffing at school! Thread be up in a few minutes.
  18. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    Oh, whoops, I'm stupid. My profile link.
  19. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    1 vs 1 Single Style: Set DQ: 1 week Damage cap: 40% Banned moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything requiring a source of water Arena: Crystal Belfry This battle takes place in a war-torn part of the world, and at the moment, deadly mustard gas covers the ground in a thick layer. For as far as...
  20. JackPK

    The Challenge Board

    I'll accept this challenge! My profile
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