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Search results

  1. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I figured out what the problem is. It's the music. After watching a japanese episode (which was much better by the way) I found out that they use the same music from the Kanto series, just redone a little better. If they actually used cool music instead of making their own cruddy orchestrated...
  2. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Kanto was a 9.9 to me. THe only episode I hated was the episodes where didn't do anything except introduce a new character of the day. WHen they went to the Orange Islands, it kept reminding me of some distant far off but more exotic land. I always loved htat episode with that magnemite that...
  3. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I don't have any issues with Dawn since she gets stuff done fast and the voice actors are okay too but I always cringe when Sarah whatchamacallit starts talking. And she responds too fast. Most of the time the people haven't even finished their sentence yet. Go watch the first episode with...
  4. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    They only move at certain times. I like some of the episodes but I just don't like how they take so horribly long to get a move on. And if they are going to delay everything afterwards then they should make a half decent episode where something happens like a battle or an evolution. I don't...
  5. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Deeper but squeakier.
  6. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    All they did was voice it. But seriously, Ash's voice just gets on my nerves. At least Veronica Taylor didn't sound like a girl trying to sound like a boy! Heck, I didn't know Ash was a girl until the end of the Pokemon 2000 Movie. Sarah blah blah doesn't pause with her words and talks to fast.
  7. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I just wish it wasn't the same thing everytime. I mean, the old episodes were awesome but the newer ones just suck in my eyes. Ash isn't even a main character anymore (not trying to be sexist) but Dawn, Team Rocket, and Paul seem to have become the main characters while Ash follows behind...
  8. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    In the recent episodes, its just been plain filler. Nothing happens and all they do is introduce Ash to some random person who needs help and has one of the new DP Pokemon. I mean, its so long and boring now. The first episode came out in April of last year and still Ash only has 2 badges. I...
  9. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I know right. They keep aiming for lower and lower audiences. And the voice actors suck ass man. I mean they just do. All they do is try to emulate the other voice actors. Ash... well I just want to punch the guy that says she sounds like Ash. Now I only look forward to the game although...
  10. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    It has it's moments but I don't like the fact that they have so many fillers. I mean for to love of jack, its been a year and he still only has two badges? Misty should come back. She had that personality. I also liked it better when ash was a crap trainer who strived to be the best. Now he...
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