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Search results

  1. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    It's not that, It's the fact that you didn't look at the rules.
  2. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    No, it's okay. I probably should have replied sooner. your two requests will not be done as you haven't taken a look at the rules.
  3. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    You say use, what do you mean by that. If it's in your signature, then yes with credit.
  4. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Well prepare to say it again.
  5. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Sure. I'm busy at the moment, but I'll go for it when I can.
  6. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Sure, No. I don't do fakemon.
  7. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    I apologise. _Ditto_'s post made me assume wrong. I'll get onto that as soon as I'm finished with Mewtwo's request.
  8. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    She had, it's just that she deleted her post.
  9. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    ...Still not enough information. And I believe I just said that I don't do Pokemorphs.
  10. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Rezly: I don't do pokemorphs, and you haven't provided enough information for a trainer sprite.
  11. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    GET THE TYPO BASTER! but thanks for commenting. I'll get on that request as soon as possible. Do note though that I'm more focused on my art thread at the moment, so it might be a while.
  12. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    I even did a Huntail/Charizard splice to go with it. NOW I NEVER WANT TO DO ANOTHER ONE OKAY!
  13. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Hooray for eggs! Once again, Kai!Candy for those who can guess them all.
  14. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Sorry it took so long. Also: CHARBOACH CHAR CHAR
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