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Search results

  1. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin was still trying to figure out for himself just what was going on. After seeing how Vixi seemed to change so quickly, and even Kayou was apologizing, he hung his head, looking a little shamed. "I... I'm sorry too... This is... just too much for me right...
  2. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP (well, let's see, it didn't go the way I thought it would go, so now I'm trying to figure out what to do next) Pherin appeared mostly emotionless, despite watching Butterflymon's sudden deletion. He turned his head up and looked at Val. "Just what are you implying...
  3. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin quickly responded back to the floating fox. "Well, they might not even know what happened here... if we're swift and don't leave a trail. But whatever we do, we have to hurry... once they spot us, our options are limited." Grumbling to himself, he added...
  4. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP The Kunemon looked up toward the sound. "Who..?" He thought for a moment, then groaned, muttering to himself, "I bet it's the other human digimon... who else would it be?" He turned to Devimon, and chose to reveal a secret to him. "I would be happy to fight for you...
  5. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin noticed the sudden burst of energy from the ground next to Demidevimon. It seemed so familiar... He then looked down at his own digivice then back to the bat as it began to glow and grow. This made him wonder... Was this Digimon also one of them? It hadn't...
  6. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin stayed low to try to avoid the dive. "So it's you again... I thought we'd meet again sometime... If you want to play, let's play." He called out to the Demidevimon, then, as the bat was forming his energy, he leapt up to try to avoid it, then fired a...
  7. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP (Um, Dragon, you're not anywhere near Stormecho's character. The three of us got separated from the five of you)
  8. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin didn't yet notice the return of the bat Digimon, so he continued speaking with Vixi. "I don't have any clue what happened to send us here, but perhaps this digivice is the key to finding out about it." He held his digivice in his claws, showing it to the...
  9. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin stopped moving, satisfied that he was far enough from the main camp, that Gatomon would have a difficult time following. The sound of the waterfall ahead overwhelmed most of the other sounds, but he already knew one thing... he was still being followed. He...
  10. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin grumbled as he saw the Renamon, and moments later, the Snow Agumon find him as well. "Geez," he complained. "Why must you all just keep following me? I'm not a leader! Why don't you just... go back to that cat creature or something. Leave me alone..." He...
  11. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin sighed, shaking his head. "No, not really." He decided to vent his own feelings and frustrations at the situation. "I don't feel like I 'fit in' at all with them. And I 'can' predict what they're going to do. They're going to blindly follow this Butterflymon...
  12. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin paused by a small stream in the middle of the forest, bending over to take a drink. Afterward, he laid down, hugging his digivice, thinking out loud, though softly. "I hope I made the right decision... It's just not me, staying with them. They'll hold me...
  13. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP So this is what it feels like to be Kunemon... Pherin thought. It's rather odd, but I think I could grow to like it. He began to creep closer to the group, listening to the discussion. So she wants to take us to see this strong digimon, one she serves... And they're...
  14. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP The first thing Pherin noticed was, everything looked different after he became Kunemon. Mainly because... he had no eyes. Instead, he had a variety of other ways to 'see'. His antennae could pick up a variety of different chemicals from the air, with such acuity...
  15. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Seeing the Palmon slam its vines toward him (Mainly Kris, but he was close enough nearby), Pherin dropped down off the branch, using his vine to slow his descent to the ground. He then threw a pinecone spike at the Palmon, among the other attacks, and to his...
  16. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Hmm... I see..." This discussion began to get Pherin thinking. Danger? So in order to get stronger, I need to make my body think it needs to be stronger. I guess that makes sense. And I suppose I'm also right that it requires more energy then... obviously if you're...
  17. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Pherin had just finished his meal of delicious leaves, when he saw a golden figure with bright white wings flying toward them. He got on alert, though was calmed a little by her words. "Hmm... Well then, maybe you can tell us, what's going on, Butterflymon. Why did...
  18. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP He began to heft the Koromon up. "Geez, you don't need food, you're fat enough already..." he complained, struggling, but surely lifting her, letting her up onto a low branch. "There... don't fall, because I'm not picking you back up... Anyone else, or should I just...
  19. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP The Minomon saw Kris instead trying to eat... grass, with dirt? The expression the Koromon made was priceless. "Hehe, silly ball... creature..." He didn't know the names of many Digimon, mainly only a couple, Kunemon and Flymon, the only two forms his former partner...
  20. Kali the Flygon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP While the others on the ground were still catching up, and a couple had expressed some interest in his choice of meal, Pherin was busy eating from the tree. He waited to finish the current bites, before replying. "Well Kayou, Kris, if you want any, you better hurry...
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