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Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Pherin sighed, shaking his head. "No, not really." He decided to vent his own feelings and frustrations at the situation. "I don't feel like I 'fit in' at all with them. And I 'can' predict what they're going to do. They're going to blindly follow this Butterflymon or whatever the hell she is now, some cat creature I guess, and they're going to end up being slaves to that Ophanimon I keep hearing about, though they won't know it. They'll be under the idea of, "Oh, this is the right path," or "Oh, she'll help us become human again," so they won't know a thing, all while she uses them to help her own agenda. That's the way the world works, the strong take advantage of the weak. Good, evil, when it all comes down to it, what's the difference? There's only power. Once you have power, you can use it as leverage to do as you see fit, but until you do, you're only a slave to those that do. Please, tell me I'm wrong, that the world is better than that."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Karoko sat on the ground a few feet away from the group and began to wonder to himself. How is it the every digimon seems to know who we are when we haven't been here very long? He found it it kinda odd, but he tried to shake the feeling something was wrong about it. He looked over at the group, then at the Gatomon. He wondered how they could really trust her, sure she gave them the DigiEggs but for all we no, she could have just did that so we would trust her. We are in a world we know little about,so how are we to know what the true intentions of its inhabitants is. He had never paused to think about it.......
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi glanced about to notice that now two of the other digi/humans were missing, and she felt, despite her nature, that something was wrong. Picking up her digivice she hopped into the trees, and quickly attempted to locate them. She was doing this more because she was bored than anything. Eventually she found them near a stream, and heard the Kunemon's complaining.

"...I don't feel like I 'fit in' at all with them. And I 'can' predict what they're going to do. They're going to blindly follow this Butterflymon or whatever the hell she is now, some cat creature I guess, and they're going to end up being slaves to that Ophanimon I keep hearing about, though they won't know it. They'll be under the idea of, "Oh, this is the right path," or "Oh, she'll help us become human again," so they won't know a thing, all while she uses them to help her own agenda. That's the way the world works, the strong take advantage of the weak. Good, evil, when it all comes down to it, what's the difference? There's only power. Once you have power, you can use it as leverage to do as you see fit, but until you do, you're only a slave to those that do. Please, tell me I'm wrong, that the world is better than that."

Vixi realized that, despite his paranoid venting, he had a point. It seemed to good to be true, though the enslavement of them by Ophanimon seemed unlikely, but otherwise was a quite plausible. Hopping down from the trees, she made her presence known, and said,

"For some reason, what you say seems to make sense, despite it's somewhat paranoid rambling origins..." Vixi then notices that, through becoming Renamon, she had became slightly different in the way she thought, she took everything in more logically, didn't make stupid comments, and seemed to be more mature overall.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Gatomon looked up. "Oh? There appear to some of you missing... weren't there three others?"

"Um, well, Pherin and Kayou just wandered off, but I don't see Vixi either..." Kris walked a ways and then turned around. "I'll go look, but I think the rest of you should stay here with Gatomon. Just in case anything happens." She disappeared behind the bushes. Soon she came to a pond, where she found the three of them. "Why are you guys here?" She then looked behind them. "Hey... water!" she said as she hurried over to the pond. "Great! Say, is that what brought you here? If so, nice job. I bet everyone is thirsty." Kris dipped her head in the water and drank.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi flinched unaccordingly as she heard Kris' voice ring out behind her, and whirled around on the spot, looking startled.

"Maybe I should make this clear, I don't like it when people sneak up on me." Vixi said, sighing in relief. She hadn't realiazed that anyone would find the three of them so easily, though standing near a stream was a foolish thing to do if not wanted to be found.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Pherin grumbled as he saw the Renamon, and moments later, the Snow Agumon find him as well. "Geez," he complained. "Why must you all just keep following me? I'm not a leader! Why don't you just... go back to that cat creature or something. Leave me alone..." He began to crawl off alone, following the stream for a little while, not trying to run, but instead hoping his message was clear. He didn't want to see Ophanimon...
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kris turned around. "Sorry..." she said to Vixi. Then she turned to Pherin, but she didn't know what to say. Looking back at the other two, she said, "I'm giving up on him. If he ever explained himself once in a while..." she trailed off and headed back towards the rest of the group.

Gatomon's ears perked up when she heard Kris coming. "Are they coming?" Kris simply replied, "No." then she added, "Well, Vixi and Kayou, the Renamon and Kudamon, might, but I can't get Pherin to come. And I don't want to."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi glanced at the ground as Kris left. The Snowagumon seemed to be a little naive in her opinion, though Pherin seemed to have a whole different thought process of thought, and didn't want companions. Vixi looked to Kayou, the Kudamon, and said,

"Well, what do you think? We follow the Gatomon, and see whether or not Ophanimon plans on helping us, or do we follow Pherin, in hopes that he's right, and we could find a way to save the others?" Vixi wasn't sure, mainly because her two identities were clashing. The Renamon identity said they should follow Pherin, as he was most likely right, whereas her own personality wasn't sure, and would've perfered to follow a champion ranked digimon due to it's power, and her not needing to expend energy to become Kyubimon.

"You know what, I'm going to flip for it." And with that she threw her digivice a short distance upwards.

"Screen means Pherin, no screen means Gatomon..." She said to herself, catching the digivice. Holding out in front of her she saw the screen glowing minimally as it sat face up in her palm.

"Well, that's settled..." And with that she began following after Pherin.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kayou looked at the newcomers as the were followed. Eugh. People. She inwardly agreed with Pherin, but tried not to show it. "It seems he wishes to be alone. I doubt he will welcome us following him around like this." she called after Vixi, but hovered after her anyways. "However, he seems to be logical. He may not be a leader, but he has a better attitude than the others." After some concentration, she managed to float a bit faster, now passing by the Renamon and angling so that she wasn't really following so much as going in the same direction as Pherin. Oh yes, very sneaky.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi smiled that someone was going with her, she didn't like the idea of being alone, expecially knowing how virus monsters acted.

"I know what you mean, and I'm sure he's capable, but you already seem to have the idea of keeping with him, wthout actually looking like it. Also, I don't think it'd be good if he were to be alone, as as you know, the virus alligned digimon aren't what one would consider, freindly...though I guess niether is Pherin, but he seems to have an excuse..." Vixi sighed and looked up ahead, the stream seemed to be getting wider, and she could swear she could hear a faint crashing sounding in the distance.

"Anyways, if we do make a seperate group with Pherin, then we'll come up with whether or not who'll be the leader if we chose to have one. I think we're coming to a waterfall, cause I swear can hear crashing water..." Vixi was keeping pace with Kayou, knowing fully well that he knew were he was going, but ensured she could keep a faint scent of the Kunemon in tune, and hoped that they each had different scents.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Pherin stopped moving, satisfied that he was far enough from the main camp, that Gatomon would have a difficult time following. The sound of the waterfall ahead overwhelmed most of the other sounds, but he already knew one thing... he was still being followed. He turned back, walking back toward the two foxes. "You know, I can hear you. And no, I'm not sure where I'm headed, but I just feel this is the way to go." In particular, he was following his new, extra sense, as the magnetic fields seemed to be slightly stronger there, compared to near the camp. He turned forward again and continued walking toward the waterfall, entering into a clearing. There was a large cliff in front of them, reaching up maybe a hundred feet. Pherin sighed and laid down for a little while, waiting to hear the others approach with him. "I once had a partner... Kunemon... I wonder if he's here, with me, in spirit. But he always did seem... proud... when he told me he was a virus type. I never did understand the differences..."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Since neither of the others had objected, he picked up the Digi Egg of Hope, and allowed its power to flow through him. "Patamon, Armour Digivolve to, Pegasusmon!" He looked at the others, who now appeared considerably smaller. He had a metal facplate, hooves, and a body plate. He also has to large wings, which sprouted from his back.

"So, anyone want a lift?"
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi was suprised when Pherin had noticed that they had been following, though she didn't understand how a Kunemon's sensory sytem worked. When Pherin said he didn't know where he was going, and that he was following his senses, the Vixi inside snickered, but the exterior kept still emotionally. They came to a stop in a clearing near a cliff, and Pherin had laid down, and said something of his partner, a Kunemon who apparantly had been proud of his Virus nature. Vixi was aware that there were the odd few virus digimon that actually weren't all that evil, just were considered it due to their virus nature.

"My partner was a Viximon, or at least during her time in our world. When I was traveling here in the digimon world with her, well, she was an amazing combatant, and loved her Renamon form. She almost served as my concious, and if you freind is here in spirit, I'd assme that it'd be in the spirit of your conciousness, 'cause that's what it seems like while I'm in this form." Vixi said, and had crossed her legs to sit, looking at her digivice.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kris looked up at the newly evolved Pegasusmon. "Wow... sure, if you don't mind. So are you two going to take your pick and Digivolve?" she turned to face Kat and Vai.


DemiDevimon looked down from the sheer cliff at the three Digimon below. Ah, good. They've split. I should have finished them when they were In-Training, but this will do. But first, I need to Digivolve. He set down the small device he had been holding in his talon. This... it must work.

((Letting everyone know DemiDevimon still exists.))
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Pherin didn't yet notice the return of the bat Digimon, so he continued speaking with Vixi. "I don't have any clue what happened to send us here, but perhaps this digivice is the key to finding out about it." He held his digivice in his claws, showing it to the foxes. "It probably did still have remnants of our digimon's information on it, since we used them to evolve our own partners. But if they were the ones that brought us to this world in the first place, maybe they got confused and mixed us up with our digimon?"
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi nodded in agreement, and responded,

"True, and that would explain why we are the same species as our partners." Suddenly a small pebble bounced off of Vixi's head, and Vixi looked upwards, seeing something dark moving slightly above them on the cliff.

"Guys, I think we have company..." Vixi said, trying to gat a better look at the being.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

"Huh? Oh, right.." Vai landed, or just lowered herself to the ground, really, and looked at the Digieggs. "If I remember right, I can Digivolve to Halsemon with the Digiegg of Love." It felt weird to say that, 'I can Digivolve'.

Vai walked up to the said Digiegg and lay her wing-arm on it. She looked at the Pegasusmon, and decided to copy him. "Uh, Hawkmon, Armor Digivolve to Halsemon!" There was that tingling feeling, and now she was a quadruped and had some weight on her head, a big metal thing, almost like blades. And wait, she had arms, too. Like a centaur.

"Hey, this is pretty cool," Vai laughed.
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kayou twitched her tail, thinking. "I had a partner once. I regretted it. Why we would get mixed up... There are too many questions right now." As Vixi warned them, she looked up, floating higher to get a better look. "I think it might be the Demidevimon from before. I'm not sure, though... I suppose we should be ready for whatever happens, then." She resented the bat-like Digimon for attacking her and making her feel so helpless, but perhaps it had been testing them, however unlikely the idea was. She tightened her hold on the holy cartridge and narrowed her eyes. "I can't see well at this height. Is it going to attack?"

(My posts are lame lately. ><)
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vai tilted her head, wondering if she could fly.

"I could fire.. Eagle Eye up at the cliff to see," she offered. The name of one of her attacks came to mind right away, maybe an instinct thing? "From here I can't see it or him that well, so I can't tell."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

(Um, Dragon, you're not anywhere near Stormecho's character. The three of us got separated from the five of you)
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