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Search results

  1. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

  2. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Uh... mothim?
  3. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Which one? Also, I'm going to remind everyone not to make any new riddles for the time being. We're going to have 2 riddles going at a time, so the thread doesn't get too crowded.
  4. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Oh, Gardevoir. *headdesk*
  5. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Uh, a Celebi that has been set on fire?
  6. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    I hope it's not Ampharos, because then I'd be all "buhbuh i like ampharos how did i not get that D:" I'm loling at how 5 people are viewing this thread at the same time.
  7. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Uh, yeah. How couldn't it be Illumise or Volbeat, though? They make perfect sense...
  8. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

  9. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    I'm going to say no because then the thread would get clogged up. Shaymin?
  10. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    guys guys guuuyyys, stop making random riddles. ALright, after this round of puzzles is done, everybody stop for a minute and let em make one? Dragonair: Regigigas?
  11. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    EchoedSeel: Eevee? Uber: Illumise, then? They're the only ones that make sense.
  12. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Uber, it's Volbeat, right? Pidgey?
  13. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Yep. Uno, dos, tres: Three heads, learns Tri Attack, etc... Avoid being seen!: It Digs to avoid being seen. Statue of me: There's a statue of him in the Krokka Tunnel in Pokemon Ranger In my Genes: This doesn't refer to genetics, but to Gene from the Pokemon TCG game. One of the Pokemon in his...
  14. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

  15. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    YOu can still guess on the other puzzle I made, btw. Beldum?
  16. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Honchkrow? Assuming Diamond refers to them being Diamond exclusive... and with Honchkrow being a Yakuza member and that.
  17. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Nope. Blastoise, that's a good puzzle. I'll say... Murkrow? Good guess with Eugene, and you're on the right track there... You're on the right track! I learn a triple attack!
  18. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    HOLY CRAP you got it right. Let me explain. The first two lines refer to Sketch. If your Pokemon is faster than Smeargle, Smeargle will learn their move. If they go slower than Smeargle, though, Smeargle will only know Struggle and be useless. Kind of confusing, but you're best off facing a...
  19. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    11 is actually quite important in this Pokemon's moveset... Are you guys stumped? I'll give you a hint if you want one.
  20. Karkat Vantas

    The Riddle Game

    Nope. For all riddles, the answer is just one Pokemon. For the second one... come on, guys. Uno, dos, tres... three... Three is the key word here. 27 without 16... you know basic math, right?
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