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Search results

  1. Kinova

    Obsessive Scribblers

    lolololo look at what the cat dragged in! Why, it's lazycakes. I'm around guys, I swear. Really looking forward to the OScars! I've kind of forgotten the rules we decided on in the end but that's what the opening ceremony is for, riiiight? If it still involves groupics then it will be very...
  2. Kinova

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Idea! We could do a trophy like these, with one person drawing the big outline trophy and then lots of little mini-trophy-plaques drawn by different people? Ice, the picture for your friend is cool - I love how flail-y she is - and that right of hand of hers stands out as pretty darn good. Her...
  3. Kinova

    Obsessive Scribblers

    (Second time typing this out because the forum ate the first one arrgh.) Persona! @ Arylett: ... o_o A mouse. Why do you do these things to your poor hand? The end result is pretty impressive but still a bit bonkers. Your anatomy is definitely improving (heads/arms/torso in particular) but the...
  4. Kinova

    Obsessive Scribblers

    I knew this would happen; I saw the first few thread posts before I went away and three days later - explosion. Welcome, new people, lurkers and oldies! :D Mhaaals, I forgot how much I liked your art. It always gives off such an illustration feel; I think the background's a big part of it, as...
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