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Search results

  1. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Your signature's on 45,841 now, so I guess it's fixed. :v GOGOGO~
  2. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Aaaaand I made it. <3 About ~10K to the end of the story, probably, but hell I DID IT. And a day earlier than the frantic catch up 30th I did before. :D Yaaaaaay~
  3. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Claps for winners. Fo' serious. Congratulations. :D I've been concerned this whole time that my plot wouldn't stretch to 50K, but now I'm ~2500 from the goal and the whole thing's running on wildly. Woo? With any luck I'll have hit 50K by the end of today; then it might take another 10K to get...
  4. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Feh, you Americans and your Thanksgiving breaks. ... No really that extra time would be amazing. My teachers have some kind of supreme bad timing syndrome, I think; I've had at least four essays set to do this week. IT'S DO-ABLE. YEAH. On the other hand, I'm vaguely on schedule (!!) and we...
  5. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    I've been at it for most of the day and only got to 3,254 words. :B Slow start, considering. Fast running out of non-vague plot too. Erk.
  6. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Coo-el. Sign me up. (Originally sing me up; the first of many, many typos to come.)
  7. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    In the two teams? I don't mind either way really, but it seems the simplest way of word-warring and we're short of time. :B Just post to get put into a team? Like, I'd be in Team A, the next poster who's up for the word war would be in Team B, the next in Team A etc. etc. then I guess we just...
  8. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Err, so I decided to leave the two characters I had already in favour of what looks to be a fairly generic adventure that pokes fun at self-inserts, among other things. I don't expect it to be particularly great, but I figured I'd just write for the fun of it this year. Also, is there any...
  9. Kinova

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    I'm not sure. B: I really loved the challenge itself in NaNo when I did it two years ago, but currently all I have for it is a grand total of two characters (one which I love and one which I'll enjoy messing with, but nowhere for them to live plotwise or worldwise) and in all likelihood a gross...
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