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Search results

  1. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Rain Dance ~ Aqua Tail ~ Aqua Ring
  2. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    1) Mr. Facny Pants: Towards the begining, you reffed Jesse as a girl. 2) Love the avatar Blastoise.
  3. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Ok, not my best plan, that round. hating commanding first I love you Jesse, do your best. Start of with a littl move known as Scald. Move on to Aqua Tail ad end with Waterfall/ If waterfall can't be used here, go on to use anothe Aqua Tail. Scald ~ Aqua Tail ~ Waterfall/Aqua Tail
  4. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Hydro Pump (if you know it)/Water Gun ~ Hydro Pump (if you know it)/Water Gun Hydro Pump (if you know it)/Water Gun
  5. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    I want Jesse the Buizel to caome out. Use Aqua Jet all the way through. Aqua Jet ~ Aqua Jet ~ Aqua Jet
  6. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    I didn't think that you'd still be here, Nickolaus. Hit that monkey with some good 'ole moves. That means Signal Beam. Then Thunderbolt until you are knocked out. Signal Beam ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunderbolt
  7. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Let's go out with a bang. After a Thunder Wave, hit it with a Toxic. End it all with a Discharge. Thunder Wave~Toxic~Discharge. This is off of the Pokemon Database.
  8. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Darn. We...must...win. Frustration first, this paralysis is annoying. Them spam discharge. Frustration~Discharge~Discharge
  9. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    1) I didn't think Paralyzed Pokemon were hindered from using Special Moves. 2) Spam Electro Ball. Electro Ball~Electro Ball~Electro Ball
  10. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    I love this. Let's start with Electroball, that'll be good. Follow it with a X-Scissor. Then we shall end with a Wild Charge. Electroball~X-Scissor~Wild Charge
  11. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Let's do Discharge. Follow with Thunderbolt. End with a nice Electroweb. Discharge~Thunderbolt~Electroweb Ye, it is. I hate to say.
  12. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    Let's Go! X-Scissor first. Then go for Signal Beam. End with Thunderbolt. X-Scissor~Signal Beam~Thunderbolt
  13. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    I want Nickolaus to enter the field.
  14. Le Sabre

    Blastoise Fortooate vs. Le Sabre

    I want Nickolaus to enter the field. If our ref agrees, than yes.
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