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Search results

  1. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3) NONONONO everybody post. Not Flower Doll: lying a claim of healer at the last second would be a terrible strategy because people aren't as inclined to trust you in future games. In an edit I'm gonna say Glace since we only have 2 no-lynches.
  2. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3) Toes evil pikachus Flower Doll it is, I suppose.
  3. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2) I think it was lover too, but whore wasn't on Phantom's list. Also, LegendarySeeker, are you claiming vigilante?
  4. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2) I just realized they also could have been lovers. Which seems most likely to me. It seems like Kirby drowned itself when its lover died.
  5. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2) We assume everything Phantom said was true. That was, after all, the whole point of lynching her: to see if she was telling the truth. So if the mafia have a bodyguard, then their is definitely a non-mafia member (or separate mafia faction) that can kill (unless the...
  6. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) The fear is not that you have been converted, but that you will be. If we kill you now we'll know whether or not you're telling the truth. But if we wait until later and you've been converted we won't know whether anything you said was true.
  7. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Are you sure about that? I thought they showed up innocent upon death too.
  8. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Karkat has a point. Even if Phantom isn't mafia already, it's likely she will be soon and can start giving us misinformation. If that happens, we won't know what was true and what wasn't. And really, I don't think Phantom would be the kind of person to not reveal her...
  9. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Why would you say that out loud before doing it? If that's true you're now a prime target for the mafia, along with Phantom if she's also not mafia. Also, I hardly think punches and kicks can tear someone apart.
  10. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Doc Scratch was saying no one was suspicious of Olimar in the first place, and I liek Squirtles was just using Olimar as a comparison to get across what he was trying to say.
  11. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Why "with or without"? I wouldn't eliminate Marth, Link, and Toon Link (although the last is quite unlikely).
  12. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) I'm joking around.
  13. Light

    SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

    Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D1) Yes. I am innocent. Abstain for now.
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