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Search results

  1. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I just won :D And I actually like my novel. This is the third story I've ever completed out of my store of novel ideas but two of those were just, I don't know, two page school assignments. I just wrote a novel. It feels weird. But awesome.
  2. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Yay for Cloudy! I wish I could write that fast. I just passed the halfway mark today. I'm still a little behind, but I'm catching up because of music from Homestuck and write or die. Speaking of write or die, I've been using it repeatedly because my main problem with NaNo has been...
  3. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I was listening to music yesterday and I wrote almost as much as I did on the first day. I was listening to music then as well. I find that I have a much harder time concentrating when I'm not listening to music. Which is probably why I usually don't write this fast in school. I'm nearly...
  4. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Well if I want to get back on track I'm going to have to pretty much double my word count today. Wish me luck!
  5. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    OK I actually did write something during my computerless trip now I just have to finish typing it. And write more because I'm way behind schedule. My characters keep going off on random tangents, which is good for the word count, but not the story.
  6. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    My main character never calls her friend/future love intrest his first name for some reason, and he always uses her full name. Their conversations are so fun to write :D My characters also include an old insane woman who can only see bright colors and her escape artist rabbit. Now I need to...
  7. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I realised earlier today that I'll be starting this at my grandparents' house. I'll need to go buy some storage device so I can take it home with me. I do not know why I did not just bring my external hard drive.
  8. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I have very little plot... I think I'm just going to write and see what happens. I do have a few (very vague) characters, though, so I guess it might work. Right now, my favorite character in my book is the one who will get his hand chopped off at some point :3 Because I actually know something...
  9. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    The profiles got sort of changed when they relaunched the site, so our accounts aren't really numbered any more. Here's mine, by the way. EDIT: Looks like I got ninja'd.
  10. Littlestream

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Last year I barely wrote anything and I didn't even finish the novel later. Which is bad because I'm planning on writing the sequel this year.
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