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Search results

  1. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Sorry sorry sorry for the wait! _-***-_ The townspeople simply tried to figure out what was going on instead of who to lynch, and thus no one died. (In the future I'll randomise a kill, but I put such a simple thing off for so long because of NaNo that I figure I should be nice :D)
  2. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    The traveling girl looked up at the birds flying around and shook her head sadly. The townspeople all walk to the square again, hoping that, like the previous day, there would be no death. But alas, this was not to be. There has once again been a kill, and the poor victim this time is...
  3. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    I didn't say how long you had for night actions did I oh I'm stupid. Oh well. Extending the night for 24 hours anyway because I barely got anyone's night actions :/
  4. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) The day was supposed to end a while ago, actually. Silly people. The abstains do not count :P DarkAura was immediately put up for consideration because of something Coloursfall had found out - or thought he had found out, at least - about her. She...
  5. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) DarkAura, no claiming means no claiming, just to clarify. I think everyone's figured it out anyway, but you still can't say it :)
  6. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) You gather at the fountain in the town square again, figuring that that's probably where the body(/ies) will be left again. But strangely, there are none to be found, and no one noticed anything on their way to the square. You figure this gives you an...
  7. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) The girl sighs as a shimmer passes through the air in front of her. "Another down already," she says as she walks through it. It dissolves like blood dripping from a wound with her touch. "I hope that this does not continue for much longer." -***-...
  8. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) The girl sits on a tree, frowning distinctly. It has begun. -***- You all wake and head into town to go to work or whatever you people do. But then some of you notice something in the town square that makes your hearts skip a beat. As a large group...
  9. Littlestream

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    A girl walks slowly over the town boundaries. Not a moment too soon, it seems, because a forcefield shimmers over the border right afterward. She nods at it, then walks over to the forest, where two women, a man, and some boys are standing, and they all walk away, with the same, slow pace...
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