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Search results

  1. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    Heat Wave away, Haze if both Protect / Detect, Taunt if they try anything Taunt would prevent (except Protect, Detect). Heat Wave / Haze / Taunt x3 2015 Zhorken EDIT: 2 exp/happiness for Squirtle; 1 for Hopkins, Icarus, Grockle, and Baron; $12 each to Metallica Fanboy and Light; $8 each to...
  2. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    Protect ~ Energy Ball@Squirtle ~ Fire Blast@Hopkins
  3. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    Alright Icarus. Begin with a Yawn at Hopkins, or a Telekinesis at Squirtle if she Protects, Subs or uses Double Team. On the second action, blast a Flamethrower at her (sweep it around if there are clones) if the Yawn failed, but try a Nasty Plot if it worked. Finish with Dream Eater on the...
  4. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    sorry Hey, by the way, Bug Buzz should have failed! Uproar drowns every other sound-based moves (And it was part of the reason why Uproar was such an evident move to make at that point). Commands later!
  5. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    Omski I thought we'd discuss strategy you silly. OK. Be a bitch. UPROAR x3 Also, just to be sure, the clones are gone right? Since I did hit the spider with the Thunder Wave...
  6. Lord of the Fireflies

    Metallica Fanboy and エル vs The Omskivar and Lord of the Fireflies

    Alright, Icarus! Soar to the skies and prove your worth! Begin with a Nasty Plot, then follow with an Ancientpower on Hopkins and, finally, a Chill. If you are somehow prevented to use Ancientpower on the second action, use Nasty Plot and push it to the third action. If you still can't use it...
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