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  1. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Woh, that was like, lightning fast. Thank you so mch TruetoCheese for reffing this and Eifie for wrapping it up! This was a nice battle, JackPK!
  2. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Thank you so much Eifie! I specifically asked for Icarus to wait before using Baton Pass so Chime wouldn't get hit, though. ALRIGHT, TIME TO FINISH THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL i've watched too much naruto lately If she tries a Quick Attack, or a combo involving Quick Attack, Sucker Punch before...
  3. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Use those rocks to summon Ancientpower twice, then wait for Sheena to hit you on the last action and Baton Pass to Chime to seal the deal. Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power ~ Baton Pass (Chime) Also, TruetoCheese, it's really no big deal! Your reffings are much appreciated whenever they come.
  4. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Oops it seems Sheen'as health and energy totals are unchanged at the end of the round! Also it's good to see you back :D Okaaay Icarus m'boy, those Ice Beams suck, don't they? Try a Light Screen to cushion them a bit, but if she tries to Snatch it, go for a Shadow Ball instead. On the...
  5. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Begin with Solarbeam, then Thunder Wave, and finish with a Secret Power to see if we can put her to sleep! Solarbeam ~ Thunder Wave ~ Secret Power
  6. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Icarus' health is still at 100% :P SO. WE WANT TO FINISH THIS RIGHT AWAY, RIGHT. USE SKY ATTACK. But they're faster, so they might try some vicious shenanigans, so Magic Coat anything that's reflectable. If they have clones, go for Heat Wave. If you've hit successfully with Sky Attack once...
  7. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Bounce (up) on the first action, because I want you to live to fight another day, and Bounce (down) while simultaneously bouncing back in a U-Turn (to Icarus). If they interpret that as being creative and Protect on the second action, just use them separately. Bounce (up) - Bounce (down) +...
  8. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Go for Night Daze! MAN this move is awesome and reliable. If she tries to use any status but sleep, including stat drops, create a medium substitute. If she uses a Sleep Move, go for a single action Uproar. Night Daze / Uproar / Substitute (15%) x3
  9. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Hm, sounds like we can't do much to avoid dem nasty Dazzling Gleamz BUT we can try and farm for a flinch at the beginning of next round with a pair of dark pulses finish with a single Uproar to prevent the sleep at the end of the round Dark Pulse - Dark Pulse - Uproar
  10. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    OOoooOOoOOOoooh spooky stuff Begin with a Scary Face to slow her down into submission. If they try to Taunt you again, Snarl - although you know she's got nothing on you. If you can't hit her for some reason, Nasty Plot. Then, Night Daze and Dark Pulse. If you can't hit her except for...
  11. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Drat, I don't see a way we can keep our secret, well, secret. So let it all out, CHIME. *gasp* Snarl ~ Night Daze ~ Night Daze
  12. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    hem, you have to order, too :)
  13. Lord of the Fireflies

    JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

    Leggo, Icarus! *fitz**psschh*
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