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Search results

  1. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    I'm in.
  2. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Give a look at the Original Post to know how to post an official challenge.
  3. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    ^Is it okay if I take it? I know I have filled up my slots, but both my currently active battles are nearly done (1 round or maybe two max). EDIT: It's not :(
  4. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    I just had this awesome idea AND the feeling I had to post it rite now. 3 vs. 3 singles Style: Set Move Restrictions: All moves that would instantly faint a battler, Attract, Evasion, Direct Healings limited to 1 /pokémon, Chills limited to 3 /pokémon, Pain Split and Endeavor can only be used...
  5. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Yeah, this also happens sometimes!
  6. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Typical, no, but it happens.
  7. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Usually you quote the challenge you accept to make everything clear :|
  8. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Even though I would love a rematch, it's basic pokémon only, meaning your Wartortle isn't accepted. Also, pure types only, so your Bulbasaur can't either. :< EDIT: Unless you plan to use Deadly Red or Wiggles and to buy another Grass-type, that is.
  9. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    3 vs. 3 singles Style: Set DQ: Five Days Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: All moves that would instantly faint a battler, Attract, Evasion, Direct Healings limited to 1 /pokémon, Chills limited to 3 /pokémon, Pain Split can only be used if the target is the first opponent the user encounters, and...
  10. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Yeah that's what I meant, brb fixing.
  11. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Yet another area with lots of effects. 1 vs 1 DQ: five days Damage Cap: 35% Banned Moves: Anything that would cause any battler to instantly faint, Evasion, Weather, Attract, Direct Healing moves, Chills limited to 3 per Pokémon. Arena: The fighting Dojo Yes, the unofficial gym in Saffron...
  12. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    What if someone uses Rain Dance then Fire mov-*shot*
  13. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Taking blazheirio889 vs. Grass King. Thread up within 73 hours.
  14. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Dapper Deathclaw vs. Ampharos. Thread soon.
  15. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take that, too. ALSO I suggest commands via PM to avoid ever-lasting DQ times, but that is up to you guys.
  16. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    wasn't necessary
  17. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Your point being?
  18. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    YES pif pif paf all in one shot cuz theyre many workers
  19. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Challenge for SomeGuy 2 vs 2 doubles Style: Set DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: Fly, Weather, Direct Healings, OHKOs, chills limited to 3/pokémon Arena: The Coal Mine The Coal mine is pretty gigantic, actually. Ran by the Ground gym leader of Unova (fuck whats his name) and...
  20. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Challenge Board

    Might take Lucas vs. Whirlpool as well, which is somewhat ironic since they both reffed one of my battles at some point.
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