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  1. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon grunted. "Expressions," he said simply as Lex left. "If some stranger looked at you with cute eyes, you could tell that they wanted something from you. That's one example."
  2. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Like I said earlier," said Cannon, "Shadowflare told me to do it by looking at me a certain way. It's called exchanging looks, and if you're good enough you can use it as a type of silent communication. Just ask the Mistress."
  3. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon looked at Khran. "Why? Did you want Ren to stay alive and torture Shadowflare for the rest of her life?"
  4. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon did nothing. "Language is not attacks," he said calmly. "I will hear nothing of it."
  5. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "This isn't severe enough for a doctor," Cannon mumbled. "Just a Pecha berry."
  6. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon coughed. He tried not to breathe, but was poisoned by some of the toxic spores. "Arceus curse you!" he yelled, and used Rock Wrecker (check it on Veekun). "I will attack no one after that," he growled. His voice was filled with anger, and it was as if someone else was saying it. "At...
  7. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

  8. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon nodded, but suddenly didn't feel like eating a cookie anymore. His heart sank as he turned to Thorn. He originally thought that if Shadowflare was sick, he would take the throne... but he was starting to get discouraged. If he did, would he do a good job? Just do it now, he told himself...
  9. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon looked calmly at Thorn. "Shadowflare told me to, by exchanging looks. You may not have noticed. It's a way of silent communication, almost like telepathy." He didn't bother to click his gun-arm again, but pointed it at Thorn anyway. "Have a cookie," he muttered. It was directed to...
  10. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon nodded. He turned towards Ren and lifted his arm. It clicked. And a split second later, an explosion was triggered right where Ren was standing.
  11. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "That does it!" exclaimed Cannon. Yet he did nothing other than look at Shadowflare questioningly, as if to say, Can I shoot him PLEASE?
  12. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon turned and pointed his arm at Ren. "If Shadowflare doesn't wipe you out, I will." He looked over his shoulder at Noelle. "How's about the toast?"
  13. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon pointed his arm at Toxic and Kiki. It made a clicking noise. "If Shadowflare fights, I fight. Violence may cause violence, if I understand it right. 'Kay?" He shot a glare at the two Pokemon.
  14. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Nanabs, rice, Leppas and toast help you get better~" said Cannon. "And potatoes too. I'll let someone else get the food, since I'm more likely to drop it, or even accidentally shoot it if I do something that would cause that..."
  15. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Cannon shielded his face with his arm. "I'm okay," he said. "Anything you would like me to do for you?" he asked Shadowflare.
  16. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Ren attacked Khran," said Cannon simply. "I was too slow to do anything." He glanced worriedly at the Espeon. "Though, violence won't give us answers."
  17. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Was Ren even alive back then?" asked Cannon. "It wasn't him, that's for sure..."
  18. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "And," said Cannon, "It could have been something she ate before today that didn't agree with her... just because she's gotten sick doesn't mean that it was poisoned. I don't really have an explanation for the rest of it, but usually Pokémon like her don't get sick immediately after eating food...
  19. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Oh," said Cannon, "I overlooked that. Sorry for the inconvenience. But still, one of us could have stuck in the poison when no one was looking..."
  20. Mad MOAI

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "It could have been anyone," said Cannon, "but let's not jump to conclusions. The food could have very well been accidentally dropped on the floor."
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