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Search results

  1. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    I did. But that's probably why they look weird....
  2. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    @Dragon: That's because I don't have Photoshop on this computer. @Shyguy: See above. I'll try to get it done tonight, but I'll probably have to go to bed right when I get to the house with the computer with PhotoShop. There might be a bit of a delay for all requests which require stuff like...
  3. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    ShyGuy, where exactly can I download the Pokemon font? @DarkArmour: I don't have a Tinypic account.
  4. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    @Darksong: I know. @DarkArmour: Do you want one avvie with all the starters or three avvies with one starter each?
  5. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    And DA's simple avatar. Shyguy, can you fill in the form so I know what you mean by what you said? Thanks ;)
  6. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    Mewtwo's banner is done. I made the background blue to green, so I had to make the text a dark pinkish for it to be visible.
  7. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    No, it doesn't sound rude at all. I'll work on that, after I finish Mewtwo's.... @Mewtwo: sorry it's taking so long. To tell you the truth, I'm lazy, but I'll do an exceptional job on it.
  8. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    It's not the best banner I've ever done.
  9. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    *pokes title* REQUESTS CLOSED. Please come back later ^^
  10. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    I drew the Eevee and Skitty, but they came out messed up when I scanned them. They're also colored in, and I can't erase the color. ES, do you mind if I just use the Sugimori art instead? :P Oh, and the "Size" means how big you want your avatar/banner to be.
  11. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    *pokes title* I'll put you on the list, though. Your request won't be done quickly, however.
  12. Mad MOAI

    Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop

    I've figured out how to make decent banners and avatars on Photoshop, so I'm making--well, a shop! -Please give credit! -Do NOT edit my images after I give them to you. If you want me to edit them further, please mention so in your post. -I have the right to deny any request made, or one that...
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