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Search results

  1. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira turned around to see someone hurrying away. Silver was her name, if he remembered correctly. She had said something about a dock... if she was going there, maybe he was as well. As he began to walk away, Mal and Flameheart looked questioningly at each other, followed by a quick dash in...
  2. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira shrugged. "Sounds good to me." Meanwhile Flameheart was playing with a leaf that was nestled into his head feathers. It made him look almost like he was Grass-type. Mal was looking up at it, occasionally tapping the Pyratiel's head to look at it.
  3. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira looked up at Vai. "I'd like a battle. Flameheart and Mal might be getting a bit bored." He tapped the air like it was a doorbell, except quicker. "And about our Pokemon evolving... I'd like that. Mal might do so a bit slower, since she evolves with happiness, but I can still try."
  4. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    "Me!" Ira called, jogging to catch up to Silver. When he was closer he slowed down to a walk, Flameheart busily flitting about and Mal occasionally stopping to inspect something. He had almost forgotten that he had been busy introducing himself, but he ignored that for now. He could make up for...
  5. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((PAAARK YOU MISSED THE EPIC SHEIMIN (i like that spelling don't kill me) On another topic, I also like Seimein. But that's totally different. Oh, and if you didn't get that, we're at the park :_ ))
  6. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira smiled, deciding to chime in. "My name's Ira, and this Pyratiel is Flameheart..." As if to strengthen his point, Flameheart gave a small squawk. "And this..." Ira opened Mal's Poke'Ball, and in a stream of red energy she appeared on the ground-- "Is Mal. Short for Malfunction." "Pii-chuuu?"
  7. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Flameheart came flying back quickly. There was some tiny yellow-and-black Pokemon chasing him. If someone could understand Pyratiel talk, they would hear "IT'S GONNA GET ME WITH ITS ELECTRIC!!" Ira held out his Pokedex with the Pyratiel cowering behind him. "So it's a Pichu...? And apparently...
  8. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((:O that was funny... I'll make Ira look for Pokemon kthxbai)) Ira was glancing around the area for Pokemon while Flameheart twittered about near the trees. Like all other Pokemon his fire didn't start anything. I should find a companion for him, thought Ira. He seems rather lonely at times.
  9. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira nodded. As he said... this is no game. Flameheart was shaking, but looked determined. It looked as if he would explode into fire any second now. The Trainer reached down and ran his fingers along the Pyratiel's back. Flameheart seemed to relax, and he perched on Ira's shoulder. "Let's...
  10. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira instantly heard a familiar voice. It was recently that he had heard it... but from where? As he walked towards it, he recognized the figure. It was that thing from his dream! However, Vai had already spoken for him, and he just stood there with the othesr.
  11. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((The "tenebr-" in Tenebritate comes from "tenebrous", right?)) Ira looked at Flameheart. "Still nothing?" The Pyratiel shook his head, flying slowly. The orange feathers gleamed in the sunlight like fiery mirrors. "Well... stay close." This is rather unfortunate, thought Ira as Flameheart...
  12. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((Sorry, I read that so long ago ><)) Ira turned his head and jumped at the same time. A question ran through his head: Does this guy have an invisible megaphone? The new trainer shrugged. "I think I need a bit of practice first." Flameheart was lost in thought, trying to think of something...
  13. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Flameheart chirped rapidly while doing a little dance upon Ira's shoulder. He gestured with his talon towards the Park. "I'm guessing you want to fly around in that big open space, right? Okay, but first, I need you to do something for me." "Kraaaak...?" "I want you to find something that you...
  14. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira slowed down, with Flameheart flapping next to him. He could still see the others, and he wasn't far behind. Someone had already entered a lush green area, and just by looking at it he guessed that there would be Pokemon in there. Probably a few types. "I might as well jump on the bandwagon..."
  15. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    "It looks like we're going somewhere," Ira noticed. He turned to his Pokemon. "Hey, wait... you're a Pyratiel, aren't you?" It nodded. "Your name will be... Flameheart." Again, it nodded eagerly. "Kwek!" With a bit of a jump it flew into the air and perched on his shoulder. Startled, Ira...
  16. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira looked around at the Pokemon in the room, and then glanced down at the Poke'Ball in his hand. He couldn't help but wonder what type of Pokemon was in this thing. Whatever it was, the trainer hoped it would be friendly... Nervously, he tossed the ball in his hand a bit. And then he sent the...
  17. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Ira grinned a bit. He slowly stepped across the floor and to the table. This was exciting already. He wondered what Pokemon he would get, and then his mind wandered. Shaking his head to call it back, he reached forwards and plucked a PokeBall off the table. Ira couldn't help but make a slow...
  18. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Polarus. Such a town to get lost in. Ira wasn't really lost, but he was looking around for something. The lab, to be exact. Right now, he wanted to get his first Pokemon so that he could go to the island that was mentioned in his dream... or maybe it wasn't an island. For now, he had no way of...
  19. Mad MOAI

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Name: Ira Makienging Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Ira, to most others, has a rather odd hairstyle. His hair is long and white, but if anyone's looking for the texture, it's easy to see: straight and combed well. How long, you may ask? About down to his shoulders, give or take a bit. His...
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