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Search results

  1. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Kai, I like your sprite, except the hair isn't dark enough. Can you fix that in your spare time, or give me permission to do it?
  2. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

  3. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Kai the epic has once again pulled off impossible splices. Okay, in return for your C&CC on my sprite, I'll try to crit yours. but they're so epic already there isn't much to be critiqued on Okay, on the Latias chao, the top part kinda makes it look weird. Otherwise it's okay. And also, a...
  4. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    *sees eggs* *squeals with joy* *sees two trainer sprites* *loses sanity and runs around the room screaming* Anyways, thanks for my eggs!
  5. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    kai is not a godess he is a GOD! Treeko/Corphish was requested at my shop too... by the same person... But you did a better job on it then I could have, and probably wont until next month. Anyways, can you make me two eggs? One is an Umbreon with red rings, and the other an albino Lucario...
  6. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Neglected Sprites. Wow, two minutes... and still really good. Thanks!
  7. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Neglected Sprites. It's kinda outdated, I need to make a new one... and it was an edit from the girl with a coat on so gimme a break I'll fix it, then make a better one. Kinda offtopic, but I talk to myself...
  8. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Neglected Sprites. O.O *squeals at the Lucario* The Lucario disguise is made of AWESOMESAUCE! Can you please make an overworld of my trainer here please?
  9. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Kai's Sprites OMG YESSSS Thank you. It deserves a spot in my sig along with... a Dark Inferno Mewtwo! Where the tail is infernoized, please~
  10. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Kai's Sprites Hmmm... nice sprites. I really like the Dark Infernos: they look cool! So, if that counts as a comment, a Dark Inferno Umbreon, please! And I would like the "rings" and eyes Infernoized, please!
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