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Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

Re: Kai's Sprites

Re: Kai's Sprites

Thanks for the amazing sprite, can I use it in my signature? Also, Monferno recoloured with Solrock's colours please.
Re: Kai's Sprites

I wasn't kidding.
In the last part I was kidding, though. I usually don't like requesting "normal" requests.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Woah, the Lucky apple looks good! It looks like....a coin apple. It could use more apple, though. Like you put the top part with the stem on the top and the string coming out the stem? The Hitler Salamence....just PURE GENIUS. It looks awesome. I really like that sleeping Salamence. It just looks....adorable. I love the bubbles. And like you said, it's so adorable I can't belive it's a Salamence.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Hmmm... nice sprites. I really like the Dark Infernos: they look cool!
So, if that counts as a comment, a Dark Inferno Umbreon, please! And I would like the "rings" and eyes Infernoized, please!
Re: Kai's Sprites

Well, the Chao is actually planning your death. >:3

But you can't tell.
Re: Kai's Sprites

How do doublesizes work? they look great, can I have a Drapion, the platinum sprite if possible double size? Thanks.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Thank you. It deserves a spot in my sig along with...
a Dark Inferno Mewtwo! Where the tail is infernoized, please~
Re: Kai's Sprites

I like that umbreon, it looks like an alternative shiny. (Do chaos count as difficult sprites?, if so just a blue and black parasect pretty please.
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