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Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

Re: Kai's Sprites


Moo with me.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Re: Kai's Sprites

[moooooo]. I loved how the belly turned out, I never noticed that those milk things were perfect for Swampert's belly. But the eye isn't er, how do I say this, in contrast with the body. The body, generally is going right, while the eye appears to be looking left, due to the shine. It does overall look very good. [/mooooooo]
Re: Kai's Sprites

Sure. I've now edited the rules to show the use of my sprites.

[moooooo]. I loved how the belly turned out, I never noticed that those milk things were perfect for Swampert's belly. But the eye isn't er, how do I say this, in contrast with the body. The body, generally is going right, while the eye appears to be looking left, due to the shine. It does overall look very good. [/mooooooo]
I actually laughed at [mooooooo][/mooooooo]. But someone can look left while turning right, right? It's not impossible. And It's nice to get this sort of semi-detailed comment or crit once in a while, so thanks.

Updated spritesheet again.
Re: Kai's Sprites

I take it that the requests are open, woah, you do loads of types i've never even heard of. You are amazing. Anyway, enough with the babbling, ferilagatr spliced with a rampardos please.
Re: Kai's Sprites

I really don't want to sound like i'm questioning the rules, because i'm not but can I ask why you don't want us to use it as an avatar?
Re: Kai's Sprites

I really don't want to sound like i'm questioning the rules, because i'm not but can I ask why you don't want us to use it as an avatar?
Well, I don't mind people displaying it in signatures, but I'd rather not have people going round with it as avatars, as people change their avatars frequently, and they may forget to remove the credit. In which case, people will think that I made their avatar, and ask me if they can make them one.

Believe me, It's hapenned before.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Woah, that looks good! The head stripe goes well in comparison with the shirt, but the wings seem a bit low. Can you fix that? The shading on the general body (not including the wings) is just fantastic. Great job!
[I couldn't sprite in a million years.-_-]
Re: Kai's Sprites

Whoa, was that CC rule in place when I first requested? I didn't notice it.
Lessee, CC, CC. Well, the Swampert thing doesn't look that edited, just an udder and Staraptor's head piece. And the colors look a bit pale and lifeless.

So yeah, my request:
Now, make a Pokéball that looks like a... mango, please.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Great job!
[I couldn't sprite in a million years.-_-]
Believe me when I say that I didn't think that I could either. The only reason that it's done is that Twitchy told me I could and I started working on it. Continue spriting for about a year and a half and you could sprite like that too.

Lessee, CC, CC. Well, the Swampert thing doesn't look that edited, just an udder and Staraptor's head piece. And the colors look a bit pale and lifeless.
Notice Miltank's horn, "Hood" and Staraptor's chest fluff on the sprite aswell.

And I never actually noticed that you didn't put a comment with your post. Still, you reposted more than a day after, so It is to be done.
Re: Kai's Sprites

Woah. These are proper sprites, you're great at it. Am I allowed a staraptor recoloured with various colours so it looks rainbow-y?
Re: Kai's Sprites

Sorry, I did read the rules, but I must have skipped over that rule X(.

Anyway, I like your work on the recolors, splices, and scratches. Personally, I don't think I'd have the dedication to include scratches in my shop's repertoire. So, good luck to you and you have my admiration (at the very least, for your scratches, they're amazing :freaked:).

And can I have my recolored sprite done, please?
Re: Kai's Sprites

I have finally found the thread (despite the obvious name ¬_¬)! The sprites are just awesome, and i agree that supershade's, or whatever there called, are very time consuming, I tried but just got really bored and never finished, plus it sucked. The latest three rule especially the rainbow Staraptor. *RAINBOW RULEZ!*
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