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Search results

  1. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    (It's okay I was exploded too)
  2. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Ahahah, nice game, everyone! Congrats to the innocents! Also, just wanted to say, Aobaru, that Prussia's supposed to be aligned with the mafia and yeah, I was getting skittish that you were guessing correctly. So no hard feelings for getting you out of the game? :D;; Also, it's honestly a shame...
  3. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] ACTUALLY. SCREW THIS. Blow up Aobaru
  4. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] Logic wins all. Bandwagoning then, Worst Username Ever
  5. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] Quick statement: Looking back onto the thread, either Flora or Mewtwo is Poland. And assuming that Aobaru hasn't been lying, and Flora is Poland, the current list of people who could be mafia are: Worst Username Ever Dark Shocktail Mewtwo Me, and SkyAngel. Yet assuming...
  6. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] Good question. But I think that we might need to get on, as we have a limit to the entire game and i really don't want everyne to lose in my first Mafia game. Should we just randylynch with a number generator?
  7. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] Switzerland was killed already, very early in the game.
  8. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 7] Oh, crap. Let's see, we're pretty screwed. We've lost all our healers, and all of our detectives. Therefore I think we should lynch. Our last time turned out pretty good, and we now have a 2 out of 7 chance of hitting mafia. Actually, how did three people die? Say the...
  9. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] If activated, alien counts as mafia.
  10. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] I would vote sreservoir, but the entire "let me die" thing is a bit strange. And alien counts as mafia once activated. Very wary, but sreservoir anyways, as there's no chance of alien. And the entire worst-case scenario thing up there. If anything, I sure hope he isn't...
  11. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] (why am i posting so much if this is my first game. gah) Maybe we should browse through the thread again and then PM Rai-CH our votes, like SkyAngel said. But the day phase is almost over, so we're probably not going to get a majority.
  12. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] Perhaps we might need a roleclaim or two, but it's going to put a huge target on everyone else, so.... :/ We're really in a bind here. I really hate to randylynch, but honestly, it's Day 6 and we have one alien and 6 innocents down, and we still have a number of mafia...
  13. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] The mafia doesn't know who the alien is. It could just be a stroke of pure luck. But as the alien needs to be targeted by the mafia, it was probably panic when they saw that Big Red Cherry Bomb hadn't been killed on the player list and the mafia assumed the worst. Yet...
  14. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 6] The alien can be a threat to the Mafia as well since it really just blows everyone up, but (I think) it counts as Mafia once activated. ...Wait, so we have no chance of an alien win here. It does get me a bit skittish that he was activated, but either way, I'm glad we have...
  15. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 5] It could also be Norway's revenge kill, while the mafia targeted Liechtenstien, as Norway is capable of magic. Though it does sound a lot like a healer clash, Norway is not participating today, so it was probably the revenge kill. [uwagh. first mafia game]
  16. Minkow

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Mafitalia [Day 5] [I'm sorry for not participating, it's been my first NaNoWriMo and I've had a lot of personal stress come on. *guiltguilt*] Seeing as we've lost a detective now, the Mafia really seems to have a lead at the moment. Since I agree that lynching inactives isn't such a great...
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