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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Night 6]

“Has anyone seen America, England and Norway?”
Poland was kinda curious. Usually America or England would be running the meeting, either bickering with each other, trying to think up different plans to catch the killer or generally just not getting along. He recalled seeing Norway sometime yesterday, but he certainly didn’t look well.
“I think we should investigate, yes? America loves all the meetings we’ve had and the detective work we’ve done, maybe he’s just sleeping in,” Russia said.
Hearing his voice made Poland’s blood boil. But he was right, it would be best to find out what happened to the missing nations.
America, England and Norway’s rooms were right next to each other, making it easy for the nations to check all of them at once. Poland opened Norway’s door, he was kind of concerned about the nation’s health after seeing him yesterday. Norway was asleep in his bed, at least he appeared to be.
No answer.
“Uh, hello? Earth to Norway here!”
Still no answer.
Poland walked up to his bed and checked his pulse.
He wasn’t breathing and he couldn’t find anything. He heard Italy yelling from across the hallway.
“England won’t wake up! We can’t find a pulse and he’s not breathing but there are no wounds anywhere! What are we going to do without him? England was so nice, but his food was disgusting!”
England was dead too? It was truly bizarre.
Surely, the same thing couldn’t have happened to America?
Poland left Norway’s room and told everyone the bad news. When the nations started to move into America’s room, they all expected the worse. Canada was the first to reach America’s bed. Just like Norway, he wasn’t responding to anything.
“America! Please wake up; you’re missing out on everything! England’s dead and Norway is too, there’s something strange going on and we need your help!”
Poland could see tears streaming down Canada’s face.
“If you’re trying to trick everyone, it’s not that funny anymore! Please America, please just wake up!”
He was sobbing harder now.
“...wake up, brother...”

Poland slowly ushered the other nations out of America’s room. He knew what it was like to lose someone so close to you, he knew that Canada needed the alone time.
He also knew that the number of nations in the building was quickly decreasing.

Ketsu is dead. St. Christopher is dead. Patar is dead. All were innocent. You have 48 hours for discussion.
Whoever is Canada may also choose to revenge kill this coming night action.
Only one person sent in a night action this time, remember that if you don't send in an action three times (if you have one) then you automatically get killed off.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

Oh, crap.
Let's see, we're pretty screwed. We've lost all our healers, and all of our detectives.
Therefore I think we should lynch. Our last time turned out pretty good, and we now have a 2 out of 7 chance of hitting mafia.
Actually, how did three people die? Say the mafia were the only ones who gave in a night action, but seeing as out of the innocents, Canada, Russia, Belarus, and Poland are left and Prussia can only kill during the day phase, that should only be one dead...unless it was a healer clash on America? So say that America gets a healer clash, and either Norway or England was targeted. So how did the other die?
Either way, since America's dead, we would've had a very suckish night, revenge kills by England and Canada, plus mafia, so that's three dead in one night, but it's only going to be two, as England's also gone.
I really think we should randylynch now.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

I've already roleclaimed, so I can tell you that I kidnapped Ketsu. Unless Ketsu didn't send in three night actions--which I find unlikely since she's been participating in the day discussions--how is there any way she could have been killed? Switzerland?

I am also in favour of lynching today.

Also: 2-for-2 on correctly suspecting Mafia :33
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

Oh snap o.o Well...things are heating up. We've got a good chance of taking them out considering our majority, but they have the advantage still of being able to take out whoever they want instead of voting >.< (unless the mafia has to vote too? I dunno how that side works, is it pretty much the same as with us?) Yeah, we can't wait any longer...gotta lynch peoples :(
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

I've already roleclaimed, so I can tell you that I kidnapped Ketsu. Unless Ketsu didn't send in three night actions--which I find unlikely since she's been participating in the day discussions--how is there any way she could have been killed? Switzerland?

I am also in favour of lynching today.

Also: 2-for-2 on correctly suspecting Mafia :33

Switzerland was killed already, very early in the game.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

Good question.
But I think that we might need to get on, as we have a limit to the entire game and i really don't want everyne to lose in my first Mafia game. Should we just randylynch with a number generator?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

Actually, I'm going to go on a suspicion (again).

I vote to lynch Worst Username Ever.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

Quick statement:
Looking back onto the thread, either Flora or Mewtwo is Poland.
And assuming that Aobaru hasn't been lying, and Flora is Poland, the current list of people who could be mafia are:
Worst Username Ever
Dark Shocktail
Me, and

Yet assuming that Mewtwo is Poland: Dark Shocktail, Worst Username Ever, Flora, me, or SkyAngel can be mafia.
And I assure that I'm not mafia when killed, so yeah.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

I've already roleclaimed, so I can tell you that I kidnapped Ketsu. Unless Ketsu didn't send in three night actions--which I find unlikely since she's been participating in the day discussions--how is there any way she could have been killed? Switzerland?

I am also in favour of lynching today.

Also: 2-for-2 on correctly suspecting Mafia :33

This makes me think Russia used their power last night - Russia can randomise the night actions, correct? While you may have chosen to kidnap Ketsu, the night action would've been scrambled and you would've kidnapped someone entirely different... At least, that's the explanation I can think of.

As for the cause of death...I'd have to go with inactivity. St Christopher made a topic in regards to his activity on the forums elsewhere.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

I'm gonna go with Aobaru this time 'round, he's been right so far ._.
I vote to lynch Worst Username Ever.

Minkow said:
Quick statement:
Looking back onto the thread, either Flora or Mewtwo is Poland.
And assuming that Aobaru hasn't been lying, and Flora is Poland, the current list of people who could be mafia are:
Worst Username Ever
Dark Shocktail
Me, and

Yet assuming that Mewtwo is Poland: Dark Shocktail, Worst Username Ever, Flora, me, or SkyAngel can be mafia.
And I assure that I'm not mafia when killed, so yeah.
I can't beat your reasoning, but I do resent being put into the group that could be mafia Dx
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

I'll just say that kidnapping someone only saves them from Mafia attacks.


So that basically leaves a revenge killing or Russia screwing everything up. (Unless you still count the healer's actions even if they are killed that night, in which case there might be a healer clash)
Re: Mafitalia [Day 7]

It's so far into the game... I will admit, I am Poland. This is a huge target on my back, but... like I said, it's far into the game, and if I'm killed anyways, I don't really have the time anymore; this is my first time on in two days.

Also, lynching Worst Username Ever for the fact I have no leads.
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