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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

The alien can be a threat to the Mafia as well since it really just blows everyone up, but (I think) it counts as Mafia once activated.
...Wait, so we have no chance of an alien win here. It does get me a bit skittish that he was activated, but either way, I'm glad we have an alien out.
And even though there's a mafia gone now, we still have a whole bunch of innocents dead, and not so many clues.

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Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

A more interesting question is why Cherry was allowed to live so long...she could've been activated before the first day or on the second night. Yet she was only just killed.

But looking at what Minkow said and glancing through the thread - she did get a vote to be lynched. Maybe that made them panic?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

The mafia doesn't know who the alien is. It could just be a stroke of pure luck. But as the alien needs to be targeted by the mafia, it was probably panic when they saw that Big Red Cherry Bomb hadn't been killed on the player list and the mafia assumed the worst.
Yet seeing as only japan and Canada can protect themselves and escape death, it was probably a stroke of luck, since we still have Belarus, Norway, and England preventing deaths. Either way, the mafia probably targeted Big Red Cherry Bomb again as any of the characters that can withstand one death and/or are healed are usually innocent. For the mafia, either killing Japan or Canada would be the best situation for them, as Japan gets an alien out of the question and killing Canada brings America berserk.
EDIT: Japan seems to have been activated on Night 2.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Well, now that Japan's out, we have no risk of an alien win. But we still have the rest of the Mafia left, plus a bunch of dead innocents with no clues. Not sure what to do here...
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Perhaps we might need a roleclaim or two, but it's going to put a huge target on everyone else, so.... :/
We're really in a bind here. I really hate to randylynch, but honestly, it's Day 6 and we have one alien and 6 innocents down, and we still have a number of mafia (all of them, actually) and so we can currently get a 3/11 chance of hitting a mafia, excluding Prussia as I'm pretty sure he shows up as not mafia.
Our chances are actually pretty okay for a random mafia lynch, but I still think we should save that for a last resort. Right now, the only roles that can revenge kill are America, England, Belarus, and Canada, giving us a 1/3 chance of accidentally killing 2, or even 3 in Belarus' and America's case, people. Yet again, the revenge kill could hit a mafia, so I'm really not sure on what to do, as the circumstances right now are a bit uncertain.
The ratio of mafia (including Prussia) to innocents are now 4:7. If we make a wrong move now, the worst case scenario would be accidentally lynching America, triggering England and Canada, and then having a Mafia kill, to get at least four dead this day.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Hmm..It really does seem like randlynching, no matter how distasteful it seems, is our only option at the moment. But I won't say who I think should be lynched until we agree/disagree on randlynching. Don't wanna jump the gun and get shot down by mafia for being right and voting for one of them, when everyone isn't ready to commit to lynching ^.^ (Oh wow. Mixed sayings =D xD)
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

(why am i posting so much if this is my first game. gah)

Maybe we should browse through the thread again and then PM Rai-CH our votes, like SkyAngel said. But the day phase is almost over, so we're probably not going to get a majority.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Let's just do it.

I vote sreservoir for being one of the first people to jump on lynching.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

xD Sure, we lynch the person who first suggested lynching. If I'm gonna vote for anyone, it's gonna be for a logical reason, not just cuz they had the idea first. Just sayin'. I'm gonna read through the pages again and look for anything we may have overlooked before casting my vote.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

... I get lynched for being first to suggest effective joke vote?

in any case, I wouldn't care much if I died, considering I keep forgetting I'm even in this one.

but wait. alien usually inspects based on activations but dies innocent. maybe werefish5 got targetted, and FMC was just silly mafia?

but sure. kill me.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

I would vote sreservoir, but the entire "let me die" thing is a bit strange. And alien counts as mafia once activated.
Very wary, but sreservoir anyways, as there's no chance of alien. And the entire worst-case scenario thing up there.
If anything, I sure hope he isn't America.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

I've had a suspicion for sreservoir for a while now. We'll see if I'm 2-for-2, I guess...

I vote to lynch sreservoir.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

but wait. alien usually inspects based on activations but dies innocent. maybe werefish5 got targetted, and FMC was just silly mafia?

but sure. kill me.
Wait, Alien dies innocent even when activated?
Well, i've made a huge mistake here :s

Anyway, I'm giving you guys an extra 24 hours to finalise your action because I've got exams coming up so I need to study. Sorry about the inconvenience!
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

I don't bandwagon. Are we voting for sreservoir just to lynch someone or because we actually believe he's mafia?

If it's bandwagoning, I Abstain.

If it's logical or there's a reason for it, I vote for sreservoir.

Oh, how I despise bandwagons..
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

I'm voting on suspicion, myself.

@SkyAngel: I'm pretty sure you have to choose one or the other.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Bleh. Okay. Hmm..I have no proof against anyone but if I must do something, then yeah, I vote for sreservoir. But if we lynch him and he's innocent, then I reserve the right to say I-told-you-so xD
Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

As the sun began to set, the nations came to a decision to finally lynch someone. England stepped up to the front of the conference table.
“Whoever is using the codename sreservoir, please stand up.”
There were a few nervous whispers among the crowd of nations, then one of them stood up.
“That would be me!” A cheerful voice called. He walked over to be next to England.
A few nations gasped. It was Spain.
“Well, the majority of people in this room have decided that you cannot be trusted,” England said as he removed his gun from its holster.
“Do you have any last words?”
Spain nodded, “Romano, Italy, wherever you are, good luck with whatever you’re doing! I hope to see you again some time in the distant future!”
As he finished his final speech, England put the gun to his temple and fired.

sreservoir is dead. He was Mafia. 24 hours for night actions
Sorry for being late, I was studying.
My exams are next week, so if the game does not finish by Monday, then I'll have to end the game with nobody winning. Hopefully this is an incentive to lynch people more often! XD
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