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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Although it does bring up the question of why they're not posting in the topic, when this is all we have to go by. Hell, you remember the last game I was in - a mafia member managed to take advantage of the silence of others to effectively win the game.

It usually boils down to trying to avoid the mafia's knife. Try and be invisible by not posting. More experienced mafias tend to hack down the ones who talk, to reduce the chance they'll get flushed out, and leave the inactives for last. Even more experienced mafia can do it while blending in seamlessly to the discussion.

Either way; we need to decide to lynch or not soon...
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

I don't think we should lynch today. I just think that there's too much uncertainty, and simply guessing won't help us. I'll go ahead and abstain.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

I disagree. It's come to the point that, alien or no alien, something has do be done or we're not going to get anywhere.

I support the idea that was raised yesterday about PMing Rai-CH our votes.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

I agree with Ketsu. I think we should either (a) publicly lynch an inactive, or (b) PM Rai-CH our votes. Although I think PMing would be best right now, considering we only have eight hours left in the day phase we don't really have time to come to a consensus on that. So:

I vote to lynch Patar.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

There's also the possibility that the undead is Canada, although I don't know whether there would be a gunshot if it were Canada.

I agree with Ketsu. I think we should either (a) publicly lynch an inactive, or (b) PM Rai-CH our votes. Although I think PMing would be best right now, considering we only have eight hours left in the day phase we don't really have time to come to a consensus on that.

I vote to lynch Patar.

May I know the reason? It seems a bit random.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

May I know the reason? It seems a bit random.

Did you not read my post? We don't have enough time to come to a consensus on whether or not to PM Rai-CH our votes; so the only other options are to abstain or lynch. I think abstaining will do more harm than good at this point, so I'm voting to lynch an inactive.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Did you not read my post? We don't have enough time to come to a consensus on whether or not to PM Rai-CH our votes; so the only other options are to abstain or lynch. I think abstaining will do more harm than good at this point, so I'm voting to lynch an inactive.

Yeah, but why Patar? Why not the other inactives?

I'm going to abstain for the moment, since there are simply not enough clues to help us.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

I think I shall abstain. I don't want to take that shot in the dark and end up killing an innocent - especially remembering how interlinked all the roles are. If we make a mistake, we could easily cause a revenge kill during the night, along with the mafia hit.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

At this rate, we can't afford to abstain any longer; we need to take out someone, and I don't think an inactive is the way to go, that's just wasting our precious lynches.

I vote we lynch Aobaru; jumping so fast on an inactive.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

I think I'll abstain. There's just... too much of a chance to hit an innocent, and seeing how many of the roles have revenge kills, we might lose two innocents.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

The sun sets over the World Conference Building. As usual, the nations did not come to an agreement over who to lynch, despite various names and ideas being thrown around. The nations returned to their rooms for the night.

No one was killed. You have 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Mafitalia [Night 3]

Due to the fact that it was quite difficult to access the forum over the past day or so, I'm giving you an extra 24 hours to submit your night action if you haven't already. If you want to change your target, you may do so too.
Re: Mafitalia [Night 3]

“The attacks are getting more frequent now...” Norway thought as he rose from his bed.
He could already hear voices coming outside his room. Something must have happened in one of the rooms nearby him. Who were in those rooms?
England? No, he could hear his voice.
America? No, he could definitely hear him shouting something.
Denmark? Usually that idiot is off telling jokes or whatever the hell he does.
He couldn’t hear him.
Norway’s heart was beating faster. They had been friends for so long, it couldn’t have been Denmark. No, not him.
He opened the door and saw exactly what he didn’t want to see.
It was the body of his closest friend, Denmark. He had two wounds on his body, caused by bullets.
Norway’s vision started to blur. He couldn’t think straight. Was he crying?
“Why? Why did it have to be you?”
He collapsed to his knees; he could feel the other nations come over to him. Comforting him, just like what they did to Liechtenstein. Just like what they would have done to Poland if he hadn’t walked away.

Whoever did this is going to suffer.

Lil’ Dwagie is dead. She was innocent. You have 48 hours for discussion.
Whoever is Norway can now choose to revenge kill instead of heal if he or she wishes to.
Poorly written flavour text is poorly written. I cannot write emotional stuff to save my life D:

And to those who haven't sent in a single night action, please do! Randomising all your targets is getting kinda boring.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

Yeah, we're seriously behind. The Mafi is winning, we need to find someone. Leich is dead, Denmark is dead, and I think Switzerland is dead. Norway is going to revenge kill today. I can't find a lead, though. I'll cast my vote after I comb through the clues.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

Urgh...wonder if it's time for inspectors to roleclaim. That'd be helpful, hopefully.

Or would just make them targets. And if the healers do heal them, there's always a chance that there'd be a healing clash and end up killing one of them accidentally.

I agree that the situation is looking pretty bad, but we still have to trend carefully.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

Yeah, we're seriously behind. The Mafi is winning, we need to find someone. Leich is dead, Denmark is dead, and I think Switzerland is dead. Norway is going to revenge kill today. I can't find a lead, though. I'll cast my vote after I comb through the clues.

...You do mean that Liet is dead, right? Not like it matters, but...

Dark Shocktail said:
Or would just make them targets. And if the healers do heal them, there's always a chance that there'd be a healing clash and end up killing one of them accidentally.

We can organize this somehow! Maybe! England can secretly heal America for today and Norway is on a rampage so it doesn't matter for today. Since England doesn't seem to be dead, it should be fine.

and also, it's canon
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