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Search results

  1. Minnow

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    I don't think I could live in another time period if I remembered the future (Now), but I think that if I could just be born in that time, knowing nothing but that time, even then I'd go with my choice. I have nothing against the Middle Ages, but I was just thinking about it, and I thought about...
  2. Minnow

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    Eh, I felt that if I put those on then I'd be compelled to put other decade-marks and make the poll huge, it's just a general guideline. In fact, it'd be fine to think of any date on there meaning that general eras. For example, the 1950s option could mean anywhere between 1930 and 1970
  3. Minnow

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    Well, yeah. I think the future would probably be one of the best choices, too. But I wanted to see what people thought of historical times. And if I put arbitrary years past the 1950s then I think most people would probably pick those, and that's not really the main idea of what I was thinking.
  4. Minnow

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    Yeah, they do, but... Unless you were, like, 80 or 90 years old in the 1990s you would still be alive today, so it wouldn't really be a different time period... Well, actually, no, you're right. It would be even better, because you could enjoy the 90s and still live today and in the future.
  5. Minnow

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    So, yeah. Pretty much self-explanatory. It'd be nice to specify a certain year, or a range of years, in which you would be born. The poll is just for a general idea of posters' thoughts. Oh, and remember, if you would want to be actively involved with goings-on at that time, it might be a good...
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