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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

When would you like to live, if able?

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If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens!
So, yeah. Pretty much self-explanatory. It'd be nice to specify a certain year, or a range of years, in which you would be born. The poll is just for a general idea of posters' thoughts. Oh, and remember, if you would want to be actively involved with goings-on at that time, it might be a good idea to be born 10-15 years earlier, so you'd have time to grow up.

Or, whatever. It isn't that serious.

Personally, I think it would be very interesting and fun to live around the turn of the century. Steam power, industrial revolution, beginnings of practical electricity, etc. How the world was translating into modern times from the Victorian era would be a very cool thing to see. So, maybe born around 1880 or so?

Sorry if the options bug you, but I didn't want to make the poll too big, but didn't want to exclude the half-century marks in more recent times.
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Yeah, they do, but...

Unless you were, like, 80 or 90 years old in the 1990s you would still be alive today, so it wouldn't really be a different time period...

Well, actually, no, you're right. It would be even better, because you could enjoy the 90s and still live today and in the future.
Well, yeah. I think the future would probably be one of the best choices, too. But I wanted to see what people thought of historical times. And if I put arbitrary years past the 1950s then I think most people would probably pick those, and that's not really the main idea of what I was thinking.
I think it'd be very cool to live maybe a hundred years from now because I really want to see the advances society (especially on a global scale) will have made; I'd especially love to see what China, the US and the poorest parts of Africa are like then.

The 60s have always appealed to me; I realize that the 60s only really happened in large cities, but the cultural revolution that they caused is amazing and, if I lived then, I'd have loved to have been a part of it.

I'm not to into most other historical time periods; the poor quality of life most people had doesn't appeal to me, and contemporary society is sexist enough; I don't think I'd have been able to cope in a place and time where women were forced to marry and became property of their husbands.

Though living at around 30AD would be pretty cool if I was in the Jerusalem area; there are a couple of things I'd love to get Jesus to clean up once and for all.
No earlier than the 60s. As cool as certain time periods were, there are certain things I have come to appreciate.
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1900. I couldn'r do 1950's because that would be boring. 1900 would be interesting because i'm not intirely sure what lies there, as long as I didn't live to the wars.
I don't really have anything against the time period I live in at the moment.

If it counts, the 1970s would be good; I could watch all the comedy shows I'm obsessed with right from when they were first airing. Other than that, any time period that has a Blackadder. XD
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Let's see... I'd either stumble around drunk in a silly hat in 50's New York calling everything phony, or I could go all out and say ANCIENTROMEANCIENTROMEANCIENTROME.

Can't really decide. D:
The play Anything Goes convinced me that I'd love the 1930's, apparently.

EDIT: Not that I'd like to live in the play. *shudders*
The present. Couldn't really imagine myself anywhere else.

Although if I had to pick I would say the 60's. No special reason, but I'd like it to be fairly modern. >>
where is the 1960s and 1970s on that poll !!!!

I would have LOVED to live in 60s and 70s Britain. :B In fact this year our school started a history course for 1960s Britain and I freaking jumped at the chance and I completely outnerd myself in it all the time lmao

I was born 40 years too late :( my friends even say I'm a walking timewarp rofl
where is the 1960s and 1970s on that poll !!!!

I would have LOVED to live in 60s and 70s Britain. :B In fact this year our school started a history course for 1960s Britain and I freaking jumped at the chance and I completely outnerd myself in it all the time lmao

I was born 40 years too late :( my friends even say I'm a walking timewarp rofl

This, too.

Why are the 70s so much more appealing today? I mean, in retrospect they're not really that awesome, but the clothes and music and atmosphere were so... so 70s.

I'm so redundant. D:
:B In fact this year our school started a history course for 1960s Britain and I freaking jumped at the chance and I completely outnerd myself in it all the time lmao

Aaaaah the 1960s history GCSE course is horrendous DX
Learning about the 60s is cool, but having to write a massive essay on what one woman said about the Beatles is not.

I hate source-based coursework ><
Early- to mid-1800s. :3 I have a Wild West love, and I think it would be very interesting to live in those times. Nothing would really come easy - you have to work for everything. Sure, times were dangerous and life expectancy wasn't real high, but it's a damn fun life.

Or, to go back much father than that, ancient Egypt would be awesome too. Sure, it's worse than the Wild West, but hey.
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