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Search results

  1. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    Soupfish. Then insert twelve...
  2. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Special beam cannon....
  3. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Germany, which at level 23 evolves into...
  4. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Teach seven dogs to jump rope while....
  5. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    It will come back to life as a zombie and kill....
  6. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    Jump. You must stop it by having a poliwrath that knows psychic.....
  7. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    Your character will spin around, dissapear, and later appear in the graveyard as a phantom.
  8. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    Your mom. If you fail, you will go into a pokemon-less battle, where your mom...
  9. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    Convining a man his dead parrot is alive. XD
  10. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Has the same effect as super glitch or secret power when used upside-down.
  11. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Super glitch. The you will have to take one onix and an apiom and plaace them in the daycare.
  12. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Explodes three times. To activate the next part, go to the pokemon center and...
  13. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    A glitched up version of the dragon ball z kai theme song. then...
  14. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ..Worshipping the hypnotoad. then, a...
  15. Monoking

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...you go to to the pokemon center and punch nurse joy in the face, causing a glitch where all pidgey have turned into...
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