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Search results

  1. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    AND RICHIE DID A HAPPY DANCE. I love Cubone! After Raichu, it was the first Pokemon I ever decided was my favorite. And it still keeps a special place in my heart to this day!! :DD!! If Pokemon were real, I'd waste my entire summer looking for one of them!! Ahhh! I love Cubone and Marowak...
  2. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Here's those pictures I promised, and my opinion. I was thinking about raising the Pokemon Elgeyem. So I looked up it up on Bulbapedia. And then I saw this: 'It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent's brain, causing unendurable headaches." O . O That's it's Pokedex Entry...
  3. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    New day. Elgeyem and Beeheyem. I post pictures later.
  4. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    ..It's not? Huh. Weird. ...Well, since I don't know much about Hoenn Pokemon...have some pretty pictures. It's a pretty neat design...Definately a Pokemon I'd want to get to know better.
  5. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Yay. does that mean I get to suggest again? :o KARP, KARP! Magikaaaarrrp~! Let's see if we can find some good things about this odd lil' fish, shall we?
  6. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Yet another one of my favorite Pokemon: Wartortle! The movelist is okay, I goose. I haven't really taken a very close look at it. Design wise, I love it. I want to pet it sooo bad. Only Pokemon could make me wanna hug a turtle. ; 3
  7. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I hate Swampert, okay? HATE. It's so ugly. I feel bad for judging a 'mon on it's looks but that's all I have to go by, 'cause I don't know Hoenn Pokemon all that well... Anyway, it's midnight, sooo... Gengar is one of my favorite Pokemon in the world. I absolutely love it. It's the only 'mon...
  8. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Today's Pokemon'll be...Shuckle! I really like Shuckle, but I'd only catch one to hear it talk, lol. Am I the only one that thinks it's Anime voice was adorwibble?!
  9. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Today's Pokemon'll be... Jumpluff! I think it's a pretty cute little Pokemon, although it's one of the ones I'd rather have as a pet than battle with. Also, how the heck did it evolve from this? ..makes sense if you look at it's Shiny Sprite, I goose.
  10. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    HaHa! It's midnight! I win! Poliwhirl today! :D This is a Pokemon I really love! Cool movelist, interesting design (the spiral is based off a tadpole's organs being visible somehow) and it's one of a couple 'mons I can do a perfect impression of! Although, the inconsistency of how its hands...
  11. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    GODDAMMIT Yeah...Lugia. Nice. Pretty. Neat legend around it. And stuff.
  12. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Manaphy is....cute, I guess. I prefer Phione. Also, I'd just like to claim tomorrow's 'mon.
  13. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I've been skimping on B/W Pokemon for the simple reason that I can't look Ash in his new eyes... But it seems neat. I think I'd like one. Lemme look that up...*runs off to Bulbapedia*
  14. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I can do a perfect Octillary impression, and the episode where they introduced it in the Anime was funny. ....and that's all I've got. :p
  15. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    You can't catch the ghost, but you can at least battle it. The glitch involves having a Pokedoll, and it's the Pokedoll itself you battle the ghost with. I'm pretty sure that just ends up messing up your game, however.
  16. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I love Banette! I really like the story about it, how it was an abandoned puppet or something. And that stupid tail. Love it. I actually think it's kind of cute. And don't even get me started on its zipper mouth!
  17. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    *hug* Also, um, Mewtwo! It's a pretty weird looking one, innit it?..it's pretty much a big ball of creepy murderous thoughts. At least, to me. And the very existence of a Shiny Mewtwo sprite annoys me. What, did they make more while we weren't looking? Same thing with Genesect.
  18. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    ... . That is all. XP
  19. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    That art is really kewl, Espy. I absolutely love Espeon. It's one of my favorite Eeveelutions. It has a nice movelist, good design. If I could catch an Eevee, I'd be torn between Flareon and Espeon. Oh, and here's some art I found. DAT ASS
  20. Monoking

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Why is no one using periods Chandlelure, and by exstension, the entire Litwick line are pretty neat. Nintendo really pullled off the whole Fire/Ghost thing without making it look like a burn victim. Why hasn't Ulqi posted yet?? EDIT NEVER MIND. :p
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