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Search results

  1. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    The whole time I was trying to play the role of "lynch all the people" in hopes of getting lynched myself. xD
  2. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Sure it wasn't Phantom xD
  3. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Haha, here's the shocker. I'm the alien. :P Suprised no one saw that... Moon < Space < Aliens
  4. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 2] Eh, whatevs. I still vote Newton
  5. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 2] FINALLY, I vote Newton
  6. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] Phooey, that stinks. :/
  7. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] ^It's funny because I get it.
  8. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] I get bored easily, and I'm tired of seeing all the living people are doing. So I voted for the first living person on the list. Simple as that.
  9. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] I was on the topic of lynching someone, and someone told me editing posts in mafia was suspicious. Thus the dp.
  10. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] While I'm on the topic of lynching someone, I vote DarkAura
  11. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] I vote for lynching someone.
  12. Mr. Moon

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] Wow, this game seems pretty innocent heavy.
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