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Search results

  1. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Actually, that's not necessarily true. If God were almighty, he could always - always - make the world a better place. Any attempts to improve its quality would ultimately be futile, regardless of how benevolent he is; he'd always be infinitely far away from the best of all possible worlds...
  2. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    What title of a creationist site would you not hate?
  3. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I think, by now, you'd be hard pressed to find someone unaware that you're a proud quasi-Communist.
  4. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Well, if God did exist and he was indeed almighty, then he would be capable of caring for us as well as anyone else in this universe.
  5. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Oh, I disagree with you both! You may find the inner workings of living organisms interesting, or the sciences of physics and chemistry fascinating, but complexity is - first of all - too subjective to be a good matter of debate, and - secondly - relative, and must be compared to something. What...
  6. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Mm, I wouldn't be so sure...
  7. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    No, but it certainly doesn't eliminate the possibility!
  8. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Actually, I'm pretty sure that if there was no such thing as morality, we would be attacked a lot more. [I'll cover this later; several of your arguments revolve around the same thing.] Morality is not the "alleged mark". In the example I provided - where morality tells you not to beat people...
  9. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    One-sided... perhaps. I tend to think pretty highly of myself; you'll have to excuse that. Ah. But here's the thing: you cannot entirely separate the individual from society as a whole! Morals are there not for the benefit of governments, councils and religious icons, but for the benefit of...
  10. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I am not a moral absolutist - far from it! In fact, people tend to frown at me for even suggesting that murder and stealing may, in fact, be rational courses of action under the right circumstances... Morals serve a purpose - forgetting that purpose makes you blind and stupid. Still, answer me...
  11. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Ah! But, believe it or not, you - yes, you - will often find that the "perfect" course of action is frequently one that most people would consider morally right... I do agree that religion is a dangerous tool with which to control and influence people for personal gain... but this is not the...
  12. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Exactly. In other words - morals exist! That's what you're saying, isn't it? That we humans created morals? Well, no, not if you think about it. I'm willing to bet that "don't kill" and "don't steal" are moral principles that were born from the ingeniousness and complexity of the human mind...
  13. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Ah! That depends on how you define morals, though. Morals are subjective, but nonetheless existent!
  14. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    That's pretty irrelevant, though. I think it's very sad how people tend to assume that atheists have no morals whatsoever.
  15. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    So what? Whether it's God or a Baconator has nothing to do with this; why is your God more believable than his hamburger?
  16. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Perfectly relevant; he's choosing to believe in something that has no evidence to support it whatsoever, just like you.
  17. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Yes, evidently. Why?
  18. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    He understands religion perfectly well. Question is, do you understand faith? Faith basically amounts to believing in something that lacks credible evidence.
  19. Music Dragon

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Naturally, everything written in a book is true...?
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