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Search results

  1. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Why? Because "think of Jeffrey Dahmer"?
  2. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Right. So then, why is cannibalism wrong?
  3. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Yes, but you're still confusing "we don't have to do it" with "it's an evil thing to do".
  4. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Well, no, because they're dead.
  5. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    I know you were being sarcastic. I'm just pointing out that cannibalism is one way to prevent human meat from going to waste! And by the way, it's not necrophilia, and it's not vorarephilia, and it's not any other philia. I don't really get turned on by the prospect of eating another human being.
  6. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Well, if you're going to devour them, you are using them! Besides, if you're going to eat someone's body, you probably won't be doing it, you know, legally. Not really possible to opt for organ donation!
  7. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Yeah, I guess. But "you could donate x to people who need it more" never actually works. As for "figuring out how you work", if you mean dissection... Well, don't we have enough corpses for both?
  8. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Nobody's talking about slaughtering humans, though! We're just talking about what we're going to do to their remains after they're dead.
  9. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Mm, no, not bacon either. But some sort of tasty sauce, perhaps. Livens up the taste, and makes it less dry.
  10. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    I don't know about stuffing it, but a coating might work. I'm not such a huge cheese fan.
  11. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Oh, I don't know... I wouldn't mind eating a certain heart. I'm told hearts are tasty because they're, you know, big muscles. Pigs have tasty hearts, I figure a human heart's probably not half-bad if you prepare it properly.
  12. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    That's a very compelling argument you've got there. So it's morally wrong as evidenced by the fact that people belonging to your culture don't do it?
  13. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Mm, yes... Unfortunately, I don't tend to buy "this is wrong because it is" arguments. I mean, I understand that you don't want to eat other people. I don't, either. But that doesn't mean it's terrible and wrong - it just means you don't like it. Confusing personal opinions and preferences with...
  14. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Well, I wouldn't mind doing something dignified... And sure, we don't need to (and I'm pretty sure prime apes don't need to, either), but that doesn't make it wrong.
  15. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Why don't we? I mean, okay, killing people is usually wrong, but once they're dead, wouldn't it make sense to do something with all that spare meat instead of just feeding it to the maggots? That said, I don't know if it's particularly healthy (it's probably been mentioned somewhere in this...
  16. Music Dragon

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    I was always told it was more like chicken. Everything tastes like chicken these days.
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