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Search results

  1. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Clover giggled, mostly from excitement. "That was fun!" She hadn't had to hex anyone any more than her allies. And they had worked together so well, none of them had been in any danger! Clover wasn't really hurt, but she took an extra Oran berry after exertions else was healed, especially...
  2. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    "We've got them!" Clover cheered. She'd regained her energy, so she Dashed across the river in a shadow and hit Gumshoose with a double attack, focusing to hit the finishing blow!
  3. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Clover frowned. She'd used up most of her energy on her last attack, and this new Pokémon looked much stronger than the others. But half of her allies had been hurt, while she had only gotten grazed. She decided to rest for a moment and try to figure out the enemy, and encouraged Espurr after...
  4. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    The Yungoos grazed Clover as she tried to doge it in the air. Its fanged tore the hem of her skirt, but barely hurt her. "You all should knock it off! You didn't have to break the nets if you just wanted food!"
  5. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Clover jumped when the wild Yungoos popped out of the trap and hissed at them. She giggled to herself. These Pokémon couldn't hurt her, and she had so many friends to cover for her too! She focused on the last Yungoos that hadn't been attacked yet. If she could pop out beside it, she could...
  6. Neirdae

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    "Well, I might find who's out here if they have some yummy angst making them do crime!" Clover twirled in the air. Clover didn't mention that in her new, weakened body, her range of emotion sensing was less than most canine's hearing.
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