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Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

And just like that, the Yungoos were done. Archie didn't have any time to congratulate the team on a job well done, though, before they were joined by a new, more dangerous threat! This Gumshoos was possibly the leader of this little pack of wild Pokemon. After taking a moment to try intimidate him, the Pokemon took a chunk out of the Espurr with its bite - definitely an effective tactic. The Oshawott decided it was best to hang back for the moment and try and regroup. So he took Xoco up on their offer of an Oran Berry, and watched the Gumshoos closely.

Archie (30 STM, 10 TMP, -1 SPD, -1 ACC)
- Interact @ Xoco (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 30 STM (43 after regen), 12 TMP
Tarahn frowned, not understanding why Xoco the Gligar said not to status the Gumshoos, but he figured there was probably a good reason. Clover and Archie hung back, regrouping, so Tarahn puffed himself up and charged the wild pokemon with a Facade attack, and concentrated to Pickpocket its temporarily increased strength.

Tarahn (21 STM, 5 TMP, 1 SPD, -1 ACC)
- Facade @ Gumshoos (-20 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Activate ability (Pickpocket @ +1 Atk)
Net change: -19 STM, +0 TMP
Net totals: 2 STM (11 after regen), 5 TMP
When the yungoose fled, Espurr was feeling quite proud of herself--they'd won! But seconds later, she realised she'd spoken too soon. The gumshoos charged forward and took a major chomp out of her, sending her tumbling back. It hurt!

Whatever she did, she knew she couldn't take another hit like that...

Espurr (42 STM, 12 TMP, 1 SPD, -1 ACC)
- Scratch @ [TARGET] (-4 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Psyshock @ Gumshoos (-16 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to SE Riverbank (-2 TMP)
Net change: -19 STM, -2 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (33 after regen), 10 TMP
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Combat Intel:
Clover Frisked Gumshoos but it didn't have any items.
Espurr's Spotter T0: Gumshoos's ability is Guts.
Tarahn's Facade dealt 5 dmg to Gumshoos!
Espurr's Scratch dealt 7 dmg to Gumshoos!
Espurr's Psyshock dealt 9 dmg to Gumshoos!

The team paced themselves, focusing on recovering energy and getting information about their foe. Their foe, in turn seemed to realize that this was its chance! Its beady eyes narrowed in on the Toxel, the one who'd done something to sap its strength, and it didn't like that one bit!

Gumshoos used Work Up!
Gumshoos's Bite dealt 21 dmg to Tarahn!
Gumshoos dashed across the river!
Gumshoos is holding its action...

Xoco watched carefully as the mongoose dashed away. Maybe it had decided to turn tail... But then it immediately took up a fighting stance on the other side of the river, ready to keep going. She let out a sigh, then tilted her wings and swooped after it.

Xoco Flying-type allowed her to cross the river without Mobility+
Xoco's Fury Cutter dealt 25 dmg to Gumshoos!
Xoco dashed back across the river.

"Might as well keep the wind at your backs," she said, as the Tailwind obediently followed her back to where the party was resting. "Now go ahead and let 'im have it!"

The Tailwind persists...
Next turn: Dash across the river and go all out!!
This couldn’t go on this way. That Gumshoos hit like a truck, and first the Espurr and then Tarahn were made to suffer its wrath. They needed it to end here before things degraded even worse. Which meant it was time to take a big chance on a major play, and just hope that nothing went wrong! Because if it did, there was a high potential that Archie would be next up to experience a world of hurt.

The Oshawott charged across the shallows after their target, before leaping as high as his little otter legs would allow him, raising his scalchop above his head in both paws and slashing downward! Hopefully, a little taste of his Sacred Sword would be all that was needed to finish the job, or at least weaken their opponent enough the others could seal the deal!
Archie (43 STM, 12 TMP, -1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to NW Riverbank (-2 TMP)
- Sacred Sword @ Gumshoos (-25 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -27 STM, +0 TMP
Net totals: 16 STM (26 after regen), 12 TMP
"We've got them!" Clover cheered. She'd regained her energy, so she Dashed across the river in a shadow and hit Gumshoose with a double attack, focusing to hit the finishing blow!
Clover (31 STM, 14 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Dash to NW Riverbank (-2 TMP)
- Shadow Sneak @ Gumshoos (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Knock Off @ Gumshoos (-13 STM, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -18 STM, -13 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (23 after regen), 1 TMP
Tarahn felt the enemy pokemon's attention shift to him and reacted instinctively, but he was too slow, and the Gumshoos bit him hard. The impact knocked the wind out of him and sent him sprawling, and all he could do was lie there panting for many hammering heartbeats. Luckily, the Gumshoos didn't finish him off; when he managed to look up, he spotted it away across the river.

Tarahn groaned, getting to his feet gingerly and pressing one of his paws to the toothmarks on his arm and shoulder where the Gumshoos had bitten him. He belatedly remembered that he wasn't supposed to touch a cut with unwashed paws, oh well. He watched his teammates trade blows with the Gumshoos, dazed, and then remembered that Xoco's bag had Oran Berries! The toxel staggered over and grabbed one and ate it, taking a moment to focus and clear his head.

Tarahn (11 STM, 5 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Interact @ Xoco (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item: Oran Berry
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 11 STM (29 after regen), 7 TMP
This was likely their last chance to win--Espurr didn't think they could last much longer. But they had to have taken a big chunk out of that gumshoos, who looked angry... So that meant this was the time to go all out. Focusing all her energy into her attacks, she made a start north, dashed across the riverbank, and let Gumshoos have it!

Espurr used Scratch! Espurr used Psyshock!

Espurr (42 STM, 10 TMP, 1 SPD, -1 ACC)
- Walk to Northeast Riverbank
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Northwest Riverbank (-2 TMP)
- Scratch @ [TARGET] (-4 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Psyshock @ [TARGET] (-16 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -19 STM, -2 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (33 after regen), 8 TMP
Archie's Sacred Sword dealt 22 dmg to Gumshoos!
Clover's Shadow Sneak dealt 2 dmg to Gumshoos!
Clover's Knock Off dealt 8 dmg to Gumshoos!
Espurr's Scratch dealt 7 dmg to Gumshoos!
Espurr's Psyshock dealt 9 dmg to Gumshoos!

A flurry of attacks, one after the other as the entire party dashed across the river and struck! Gumshoos staggered backward, drawing itself back like it was about to counterattack... before falling flat on the riverbank out cold.

Gumshoos was unable to use Payback...
~*Mission Complete!*~

"Nice work!" Xoco exclaimed, landing next to everyone and flashing an open claw upward in congratulation. "Who knows, in a few weeks' time, maybe Ayda might let you join the union after all. Suppose all that's left is to carry these guys a good ways from here and then bring the fishing traps back to Frontier Town for repairs."
They'd done it! It was hard to believe what had once been a fierce creature capable of taking--gulp--very large bites, was now sprawled out on the dusty ground in front of them, snoring in deep slumber. Espurr almost wanted to poke it. Could she poke it? She was going to ask if she could poke it.

A particularly loud snort made her jump and quickly re-evaluate. Maybe she'd just take the win.

"That wasn't too hard," she said, pleased with herself for helping out so much. It wasn't outlaws, but it could go somewhere on her cowboy movie bucketlist.
The Oshawott let out a sigh of relief, relaxing his shoulders as he returned his scalchop to its place on his belly. He hadn’t realized how tense he was until it was well and truly over. But, all in all, it seemed like a job well done!

… Well, as long as the Espurr didn’t wake sleeping beauty over there. She seemed pretty gung-ho about the whole thing for someone who'd taken a pretty big hit! This Gumshoos was going to be a pain for them to move. But, their job wasn’t technically finished until these Pokemon had been relocated and the damaged traps returned to town, like Xoco said.

“We’d better get working then, we’re burning daylight,” the Oshawott replied to the Gligar, rolling the shoulder of the arm that had gotten bit. Somehow, he still felt like it was going to be a very long day.
Clover giggled, mostly from excitement. "That was fun!" She hadn't had to hex anyone any more than her allies. And they had worked together so well, none of them had been in any danger!

Clover wasn't really hurt, but she took an extra Oran berry after exertions else was healed, especially Tarahn. He could barely stand up after the attacks he took.
Clover didn't understand how berries could heal her when she wasn't a biological Pokémon, but her threads knitting back together proved they worked nonetheless.
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Ch03: A Meeting After the Meeting [Lyle, Rodion & Silver]
It had been an hour or so since the team meeting ended; a reunion meant to keep everyone updated regarding the various matters of Forlas. And while it had been partially successful in bringing everyone up to speed, it also painted a picture of that world that was way more complex than any member of the team had expected.

The Covenant of Light with its human members, establishing rules for other humans and looking down on Pokémon.

The Vanguard, a group of Pokémon who rebelled against humans and who fought to preserve the ways of Pokémon.

The Shadow Pokémon, a deadly force created by an unknown third party in that infamous Terminal Two, which could be vanquished by some light force called Radiance. Oh, and apparently the Saints of that world could use that power, too.

So many things to keep track of, and it didn't seem like the team accomplished much, other than deciding a team name (as if they were some rock band!) and giving a name to their cloudy patron, Betelgeuse. Lesson learned: Three dozens of brains from drastically different people do nothing more than foster plenty of chaos and make it harder to find some agreement, especially if there are obvious fractures inside the team itself. All they got out of it was a lot of vague, scattered information and no concrete plan.

'Ugh! We're still basically on square one! Why is it so hard to work as a team? If all meetings have to end like this, with no tangible result... Tch! No wonder I always preferred to do things by myself!' Silver grumbled internally, his arms crossed and his sulking gaze pointed low. He relied on his hearing to follow Rodion and Lyle, who had suggested finding some quiet place to chill and discuss the various topics mentioned during the meeting. The now-Sneasel was grateful for that: nothing was more mind-refreshing than a gentle breeze away from the noisy city.

Then, the trio stopped in a fairly secluded area, away from any unwanted eyes or ears. That seemed the ideal spot to talk about anything, including sensitive topics. Silver gazed expectantly at his teammates. "So, huh... That meeting was quite the chaotic mess, wasn't it?"
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Rodion chuckled. "You can say that again. And this is coming from the first mate of a pirate crew."

The Buizel looked over towards the river and jumped in. After letting the water close around him for a refreshing moment, he popped back out of the river at the head of the group.

"The Iron Fleet's got more than double the amount of 'mons the 'Wayfarers do, yet even our meetings don't have 'mons just talking over each other," Rodion said, before letting out a small sigh. "Though I suppose it's only natural when you put thirty strangers in a room without any sort of leadership."
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Lyle briefly flinched at the way Rodion just casually slipped in and out of the water. Maybe it was being back in this little Cyndaquil body, but something about it just made him squirm.

There were a lot of things that had come out in that hectic meeting with the rest of Forlas, but one thing that stood out was that there were two feuding factions: some 'Covenant of Light' and 'Vanguard' who were at each other's throats. Factions which most surprisingly of all, pitted humans and Pokémon against each other when in his own world, the stories of the time they shared it had been all about how they'd worked with each other.

He supposed that he ought to be less surprised that there were factions where realities and desires would be in unending conflict. And from personal experience he was starting to come to the same conclusion as he had back home:

He didn't want to get involved if he didn't have to.

"So... what do you two make of that whole bit of that Covenant and Vanguard that were brought up? I... admittedly wasn't sure whether or not either side was one we wanted to get mixed up in," he said. "Maybe it's just my own personal experience speaking, but I don't really do 'fights between ideologues'. They have a way of chewing Pokémon up and spitting them out broken for no good reason."
Silver couldn’t help but sigh in relief. It was good to hear that his teammates shared similar thoughts and opinions about both the meeting and the whole ‘humans vs Pokémon’ nonsense.

“…Hmph. Yeah, not a fan of those groups, either. Their respective black-and-white ways of thinking sound like a recipe for a massive disaster,” he muttered, trading gazes with his two companions. “From one side, we have entitled human jerks who think they are and know better than the oh-so-stupid-and-violent-Pokémon. And as for the Vanguard, well, let’s say that I’m not interested in meddling with them or crossing their path again for… very obvious reasons.”

Those last three words tumbled out of his mouth as little more than a whisper, while the head feather of the now-Sneasel drooped. A sense of unease flashed in his eyes for a quick second, but he forced himself to shake off that feeling with a loud groan.

“Other than the fact I’m human myself, it’s not the first time I’ve been judged with disdain and prejudice for having ties with an infamous group. Also, leaving a threat as a parting gift doesn’t help matters, either.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Definitely not gonna get loyalty points outta me by pulling off that stunt!”
"The way I see it, both groups are two sides of the same coin," Rodion began. "The main thing that sets them apart from each other is power: one group has it while the other wants it."

He leaned with his back and his right foot against a nearby tree, before crossing his arms.

"It reminds me a little of two factions in my world, except the power is more evenly divided there... for now."

Rodion looked down towards the ground, his face briefly taking on a bitter expression. He quickly shook his head and looked back up, before he continued speaking.

"Anyway... I didn't travel to another world just to get involved in local politics," the Buizel said. "Whatever differences the two groups have with each other, they should settle it among themselves. The other Wayfarers are free to fight or infiltrate who they please, but I'm staying neutral if I can help it."
"Anyway... I didn't travel to another world just to get involved in local politics," the Buizel said. "Whatever differences the two groups have with each other, they should settle it among themselves. The other Wayfarers are free to fight or infiltrate who they please, but I'm staying neutral if I can help it."

"Hrmph, speaking my language there," Lyle said. "Though what do we want to do anyways? It sounds like a lot of our teammates are planning on getting involved in that once this Shadow Pokémon thing is settled, even if I'm not really sure how good of an idea that is."

The Cyndaquil shook his head and gazed off at the sky."

Tch, to think that back home, my goal was to just run off into the frontier after making it and settle down," he murmured. "Funny how even on a whole different world, that doesn't really seem like it's an option."
“Frankly, I’m not interested in choosing a side, either,” murmured Silver, his gaze lost on the reflections of the river. “But if I had to choose, then I’d pick the only real option: harmony and unity between humans and Pokémon. That’s… well, that’s how it works in many worlds and how it works with our team, too.”

A tiny embarrassed smile flashed on Silver’s muzzle. That sounded so cheesy, corny, cringy, and every word starting with C and ending with Y. And yet, he believed his own words wholeheartedly. Many a time he had witnessed the beauty and power of a true connection between humans and Pokémon, and he was more than ready to fight anyone who didn’t believe that was possible. Haters be darned!

“…Both the Coven and the Vanguard are reeking with bias, and they’ll probably do anything to support their close minded and mutually exclusive views.” He frowned, displeased. “You can’t really reason with that kinda people, and I’m not interested in poking or adding buzz to the hypothetical Beedrill hive. If the others wanna join sides, then they’re my guests. But as for me, thanks but no thanks! I’m staying outta that mess!”
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Rodion nodded as he listened to his teammates. "Glad we all feel the same way about it. Let's stay out of this then and do our own thing, something which is possible. It just depends on how openly you're willing to associate yourself with the other Wayfarers."

The Buizel let out a sigh as he shook his head.

"That said, I think if there's something we can take away from all of this is to not put too much stock in these warnings about human supremacists. Or at least, not until any of us have personal experience that would proof otherwise."
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