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  1. Notoriously Unknown


    Bah. This is why I don't comment on stuff like that. :P
  2. Notoriously Unknown


    Actually the Mayans were probably one of the most intelligant and advanced civilizations of their time. Their calander, while hundreds of years old, has been designed quite acurately to predict coming events. Sure, it's probably not predicting the end of the world/ beggining of a new time in...
  3. Notoriously Unknown


    That's what tends to make it scary and cause people to go insane.
  4. Notoriously Unknown


    Seriously? An article in the newspaper said that the sun was going wild concerning sunspots and solar flares. How could somebody get that info wrong and still make it into print?? Guess you can't always belive what you read either. O_o;;
  5. Notoriously Unknown


    Em.. 12/21/12 actualy. Not that it changes anything.. It was just bothering me a bit..
  6. Notoriously Unknown


    Well? What do you guys think about it? I'm not sure if something will happen, I mean, the sun has been going wild with solar flares and sun spots so who knows? I'm skeptical, but wary.
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