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Search results

  1. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Through the haze of his self-inflicted misery, something shiny caught Steven's attention. If the rose color of the crystal wasn't distinctive enough, the shape (even in miniature) was a dead giveaway. It was enough of a distraction for him to find his voice again. "It looks a lot like the...
  2. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven jumped slightly when he felt a paw against his side. "Archie? I..." He searched the Oshawott's face for a moment, as if maybe there'd be an answer there, before his gaze fell. "I don't know." A three word phrase he despised. Not because he expected to know everything-- he wasn't that...
  3. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    If he feared shadows? If? Choosing to not be afraid sounded a lot easier than it was in practice. Perhaps Nova hadn't had an encounter with one of the shadow creatures yet, but it certainly felt like a tall order for Steven to simply not fear them after what happened. In a world that was very...
  4. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    The first part of what Archie said wasn't really a shock. It was a safe assumption that shadow corruption could be spread by contact with shadows. It's why Steven had been trying to be cautious around anyone he was unsure had had previous exposure with a shadow pokemon. (Though he wasn't...
  5. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven looked at Archie, incredulous. He knew about Archie's run in with the Wolf, but there was another lucid shadow pokemon he'd met? And he was planning to meet with them again? Was this what he'd wanted to talk about after the meeting? Nova was pressing for answers here and now, but maybe...
  6. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Lucien seemed less than bothered by the prospect of shadow pokemon descending upon Frontier Town. On one hand, it was a bit surprising, but on the other, the Marshal had plenty on his plate already, and didn't really need another source of stress on top of that. Steven nodded. Caution was the...
  7. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "Change is as unsettling as it is necessary," said Steven with a nod. "Frontier Town was going to change regardless of our presence. Even if we might have, ah, hastened things along. I'm glad you've made the choice for yourself, though." Speaking of change... Of course Lucien would want to know...
  8. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    If the sudden look of worry that planted itself on Archie's face wasn't enough to put Steven on edge, it was definitely what the Oshawott said next. It wasn't so much what he said as it was the total absence of Archie's usual easy-going demeanor. Suddenly, Steven worried what could have...
  9. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    The door opened to some more new arrivals, and familiar ones at that. "Archie, hello," Steven returned the greeting with an upturned eye. It was good to see his new friend, and a minor boon that it wasn't a necessity to keep away from the Oshawott. They'd already shared close proximity before...
  10. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven didn't have to go far to arrive at the reception Lucien had prepared for their group. He'd already been filing some paperwork for the Marshal that day, and simply floated upstairs when he had finished. Naturally, that meant he was the first to arrive, although he kept his distance from...
  11. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "That seems like a good plan," said Steven with a nod and a smile. It was good to see some of the anxiety fade from Lucien's face, however little. "All things considered, I don't think anyone is expecting you to vacate your home right away, either. Although, we might have given you or whoever...
  12. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    For a moment, Steven thought he was seeing double. Looking in a mirror that reflected a version of himself five years younger. He held Lucien's gaze, and something inside his chest clenched. It felt like minutes that he floated there, completely stunned. But then he blinked himself back to the...
  13. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven listened as Lucien spoke, content to let him say his piece. But as he finished, Steven piped up, unwilling to have that be the prinplup's conclusion. "It's not just us that can do good in this world," he said pointedly. "You now have the freedom to act on your own ideals. Without your...
  14. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven couldn't hide his wince at Lucien's weary admission. As much as he knew what a mountain of responsibility felt like, he'd be a fool to say he truly could empathize with the young Marshal's situation. Corruption, shady dealings, blackmail; his own tribulations couldn't hold a candle to...
  15. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Another type: null had joined their little entourage, which was a mild surprise, and the mansion door was opened soon thereafter by a butler, which was less of a surprise. The biggest surprise, though, was Laura materializing out of the shadows like she'd been there the whole time. Steven...
  16. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Night had been beginning to fall when Steven bid Laura farewell, promising to finally get some sleep, now that they'd spent an entire day pouring over the contents of the notebook. And while he'd been true to his word-- managing to doze off in his room for a little while-- he soon found himself...
  17. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    As Laura flipped through the pages, Steven felt more and more queasy. The numbers, the slips, the photos... it kept getting worse. But as Laura flipped another page, Steven called out, "Wait, stop!" She froze, and his eye darted back and forth as he read the log. "Oh gods," he whispered...
  18. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven looked back at Laura in surprise. "The Voice? Then you're one of us! Sorry for thinking otherwise..." Then the Voice spoke up, and Steven would have paled if he was able. "You want me to what? I-I've never done something like that before." But the imperative look on Laura's face told...
  19. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven hovered along with the group as they left the smoldering vault and headed back toward the ballroom. He still clutched the sword in his claw, with the cheerful sprigatito trotting beside him, carrying the other end. It was starting to get heavy in his grasp when he was approached by...
  20. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Steven didn't wait to see the results of his distraction and darted through the crowd as soon as the guards turned to acknowledge him. Stealth be damned at this point. He broke through into the room to see a massive vault door on the ground, and flames licking at the room behind. "What on...
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