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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

Shit, shit, shit, they were taking serious hits and not doing enough damage to that damned vault door. Couldn't Hob & Nero have just lead the guards somewhere else...? Wait. They were a Scovillain.

"Hey!" she yelled. "Do you two know Spicy Extract?"

She pointed at Isidora. "We could use some juice!"

A spray of eye-watering capsaicin-like essence was the bandit's answer, and damn, but that would make a hell of a difference, wouldn't it...

"Alright – you, uhhh, Astrid! Look away from the Maschiff, shake it off!"

Laura's Support Skill! Astrid got +1 Spd!
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Lyle watched as more guards came into the room and heard shouts and footsteps ringing out from elsewhere in the house. Right, that would explain why Nero and Isidora were adamant that they needed to get the vault open. If they drug this out too long, they'd likely get overrun.

He looked back at the vault door, which had been scuffed from others hitting it. Would that really help them get through it faster? There wasn't a bolt or whatever they could heat and cool to try and make brittle? If the others were convinced, it was probably for the best to just light it up.

"Everyone, just focus on getting that vault open!" he cried. "I don't know how long we can hold out like this!"

Lyle charged the door as the fire on his back flared up. He ran ahead with a fiery somersault, glancing against its metal. He didn't know how much that helped, but he'd done his part, and now was time to get out of the way before becoming collateral from his teammates' attacks.

Lyle (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
Brawler: Strike @ Vault Door
"Hey, Isidora! We need as much power as we can get to break through! Hit the vault door as hard as you can!"

Felin bounced of the vault door and cursed profanities under her breath at how little of a dent her strike had caused. If she still had her sacred sword it would've been easy as cutting through a sheet of paper. She shot glances around her and spotted Isidora nearby.

"Atta girl, I'll cover you," Felin said, springing up beside her. "Give it your best shot now."

Felin (Aux Brawler/Defender)
Defender: Defend @ Isidora!
Isidora wrenched her arm free from the watchog's Hyper Fang, wincing from the marks left behind, when her ears perked up to a voice.

"Hey, Isidora! We need as much power as we can get to break through! Hit the vault door as hard as you can!"
A feeling of clarity passed through her mind. A surge of willpower that she hadn't expected. Her wounds suddenly hurt less. The disconcerting feeling from the maschiff faded. She wasn't sure what was going on, but in the midst of battle her instincts focused on that feeling of power and let it guide her actions.

She yelled back. "Got it!" Then dashed back into the study, stopping right in front of the vault to quickly down a leppa berry-

"Hey!" she yelled. "Do you two know Spicy Extract?"

She pointed at Isidora. "We could use some juice!"

A spray of eye-watering capsaicin-like essence was the bandit's answer,
Isidora winced as she was doused by the spicy, irritating smelling fluid. Her wet fur began to bristle. She had been waiting for a chance to use this new word she'd been hearing.

"What the FUCK?!"

She channeled every feeling she had by crashing into the vault with a flurry of blows.

Isidora used Quick Attack! The Vault takes 9 damage! Twice! 9 more!
Isidora used Ice Shard! The Vault takes 7 damage! Twice! 7 more!
Isidora used Feint Attack! The Vault takes 11 damage!
Isidora (33 STM, 9 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Dash to Study (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Vault (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Vault (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Vault (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Vault (-7.5 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Feint Attack @ Vault (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
Net change: +4 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 37 STM (48 after regen), 17 TMP
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Astrid blinked once. The Watchog… had ignored her? Turned right around and walked out th—

Wham! A whirring orb of wispy energy washed across her face after connecting with her forehead, leaving her dazed on the carpet.

She leapt right back up without missing a beat and blinked twice more, barking with an accusing tone, “Wh—did you just walk out of the room only to attack me anyway? Fucking why?”

With no time to waste, she closed the gap once more. But Watchog wasn’t her focus this time…

Astrid (28 STM, 16 TMP, -2 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
- Aqua Jet @ Watchog (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Secret Study (-2 TMP)
- Aqua Jet @ Vault (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Vault (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP) {Combat Intel: GM’s choice}
- Ice Shard @ Vault (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Powder Snow @ Vault (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
Net change: -2 STM, -14 TMP
Net totals: 26 STM (37 after regen), 22 TMP

1. Ghaspius
2. Laura
3. Lyle
4. Ridley
5. Felin
6. Espurr
7. Astrid
8. Isidora
9. Rodion
10. Odette

Ghaspius’s Support skill! Rodion gained +1 Attack!
Laura’s Support skill! Astrid gained +1 Speed!
Lyle’s Brawler skill! XXX damage to Vault!
Ridley’s Rogue skill! Watchog is Paralyzed!
Felon’s Defender skill! Isidora gains +1 Protect!
Espurr’s Caster skill! XXX damage to Vault!

Astrid’s Aqua Jet dealt 7 damage to Watchog!
Astrid’s Aqua Jet dealt 6 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 12 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s Ice Shard dealt 7 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s Powder Snow dealt 8 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Quick Attack dealt 9 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Quick Attack dealt 9 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Ice Shard dealt 11 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Ice Shard dealt 11 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Feint Attack dealt 14 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s Liquidation dealt 10 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s CRITICAL Slash dealt 12 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s Aqua Cutter dealt 8 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Quick Attack dealt 4 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Quick Attack dealt 4 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Acrobatics dealt 6 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Play Rough dealt 6 damage to Vault!
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Rodion cried out in pain as the Mabosstiff bit down on him. Fuck, how had he not seen that dog coming?! The Buizel slashed at the Mabosstiff to force the dog to back off, before scurrying off to the other side of the room for distance.

He panted and cradled his bite wound when he felt a swell of energy inside him. He briefly saw Ghaspius pass by after doing something to him, but he wasn't going to question it.

He heard a loud clang as attacks landed against the vault door. He could've sworn he heard something about the bolts being weakened, but maybe that was his mind playing tricks on him.

No, the Pokémon from Las Picaras were adamant they needed to get into that vault fast, so there was probably a good reason for it. He just hoped he wouldn't get attacked from behind again while trying to break in.

Rodion (40 STM, 13 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Liquidation @ Vault (-17 STM, +3 TMP)
- CRITICAL Slash @ Vault (-13 STM, -15 TMP, +3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Aqua Cutter @ Vault (-13 STM, +5 TMP)
Net change: -3 STM, -4 TMP
Net totals: 37 STM (46 after regen), 9 TMP
Turn 2
Player Phase Results

The secret study was crowded enough as it was, and that damned Patrat was one body too many. The Scovillain bandit unloaded their next Bullet Seed on the hapless guard.

Then the rest of the squad piled in as well, ready to answer the call to hit the vault door harder...

Hob & Nero Focused...
Hob & Nero used Spicy Extract on Isidora! +2 Atk, -2 Def!
Hob & Nero's Bullet Seed dealt 6-6-6-6... 24 dmg to Patrat!
Ghaspius’s Support skill! Rodion gained +1 Attack!
Laura’s Support skill! Astrid gained +1 Speed!
Lyle’s Brawler skill! 5 damage to Vault!
Ridley’s Rogue skill! Watchog is Paralyzed!
Felon’s Defender skill! Isidora gains +1 Protect!
Espurr’s Caster skill! 5 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s Aqua Jet dealt 7 damage to Watchog!
Astrid’s Aqua Jet dealt 6 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 12 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s Ice Shard dealt 7 damage to Vault!
Astrid’s Powder Snow dealt 8 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Quick Attack dealt 9 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Quick Attack dealt 9 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Ice Shard dealt 11 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Ice Shard dealt 11 damage to Vault!
Isidora’s Feint Attack dealt 14 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s Liquidation dealt 10 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s CRITICAL Slash dealt 12 damage to Vault!
Rodion’s Aqua Cutter dealt 8 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Quick Attack dealt 4 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Quick Attack dealt 4 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Acrobatics dealt 6 damage to Vault!
Odette’s Play Rough dealt 6 damage to Vault!
The Vault door's element-warding was depleted!
The Vault door broke open!
✅ Objective: break into the vault! [200/200 dmg]

...which they did.

The door fell forwards, revealing the room inside.

"Well. That was ahead of schedule."
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Steven rounded the corner in the second floor hallway and jolted to a halt. The hall was swarming with mansion guards. Wait, guards? The Voice had said there were pokemon fighting to stop them, but those were surely the bandits, right? They weren't fighting the mayor's guards, were they? Odette had said she was going to meet her group, and she'd said something about meeting up with the bandits--

The realization struck, and Steven groaned, bolting to the nearest corner to hide from view.

"This important thing we're trying to get, it doesn't happen to belong to the mayor, does it?" he asked the Voice, incredulous. "Are we really robbing the mayor at his own gala?"

He shook his head and peeked around the corner just in time to catch sight of Odette retreating into one of the rooms, and a flood of guards pouring in after her.

"Gods, we are, aren't we," he muttered, eye closing in exasperation. He floated up slowly, then down, like a deep breath.

He told Odette he'd have her back. He also didn't want to be involved with bandits. However, one of those things was more important than the other.

"Help, help! We're under attack!" Steven shot out from his hiding spot, screeching and chiming as loud as he could. "The bandits, they're in the ballroom! There's so many, they're too strong! The mayor said he needs reinforcements!"

Steven hoped, no he prayed that some of the guards would come running. Anything to get them out of that room.

Then, without warning, the whole hallway shook with a resounding BANG.
Turn 2
Enemy Phase

"This important thing we're trying to get, it doesn't happen to belong to the mayor, does it?" he asked the Voice, incredulous. "Are we really robbing the mayor at his own gala?"

It certainly seems that way, yes... But these are heroic spirits, so I am sure everyone has a good reason for it and that everything will have a positive outcome!

"Help, help! We're under attack!" Steven shot out from his hiding spot, screeching and chiming as loud as he could. "The bandits, they're in the ballroom! There's so many, they're too strong! The mayor said he needs reinforcements!"

The security taskforce started, their concentration disrupted and their rhythm thrown off. Was that a real order? Did it even take priority?? What should they do???

The enemy squad were distracted! -1 Acc! -1 Eva!

The Patrat, surrounded by enemies, simply frenzied. Reinforcing the mayor was moot with all these robbers in the way!

Patrat Focused...
Patrat's Leer lowered Astrid and Odette's defense! -1 Def! Isidora's shield broke!
Patrat's Bite dealt 7 dmg to Rodion!
Patrat's Super Fang dealt 12 dmg to Odette!

Mabosstiff growled something foul, and barked an order to his underling.

"It's time for the contingency plan," he shouted. "Burn the contents! Do it now!"

Mabosstiff Called out to Maschiff!
Mabosstiff left the battlefield...
Maschiff walked to Central Hall.
Maschiff dashed to Secret Study.
Maschiff's Bite dealt a grazing 5 dmg to Isidora! NVE...
Maschiff's Snarl dealt 6, 5, and 4 dmg to Rodion, Astrid, and Hob & Nero!

The anxious-looking dog barreled through the secret room, lashing out wildly at the party, and tumbled into the open vault.

It looked partway like another private study, partway like an armoury, and partway like an alchemist's laboratory. There were devices of unclear purpose and origin, a corkboard strung with notes and greyscale polaroids, a notebook bound with a combination padlock, and more besides.

The Maschiff latched onto the nearest flammable object, a wooden filing cabinet, and filled their mouth with flames.

Maschiff's Fire Fang set the Safe Room ablaze!
Watchog Focused...
Watchog's Shadow Ball dealt 7 dmg to Astrid!
Watchog threw a Sleep Seed at Hob & Nero!

Hob's eyes began to falter, the seed's uncanny effects sending him into a stupor...

“Ey! We got a job to finish!” yelled Nero, smacking his twin around the cheeks.

Hob cried out, instantly awake. “I’m up, I’m up!”

...but their Insomnia ability prevented drowsiness!
Watchog's paralysis prevented another attack!

Laura swore violently, and dug her claws into her arm. Goddamnit, no, no, no. What had they even uncovered that was this important?? And could they even retrieve any of it...? Her heart felt like it was gonna beat its way out of her fucking ribcage. Fuck.

"Get as much clear as you can!" she yelled, running into the saferoom to grab at a secure notebook.

Laura Called out to Rodion! +3 Tempo!
Laura grabbed an item...

Wait, the fucking Buizel. Whatshisname.

"Rodion!" she shouted. "Put out the fucking fire! Use Soak!"

[ ] Main Objective: flee immediately to help your allies in the Ballroom!
[ ] Bonus Objective: seize the contents of the Safe Room! (1/3 items saved)
[ ] Bonus Objective: douse the flames in the Safe Room!
Turn 3
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“Alright, uhhh, umm.” So much was happening in an instant. On impulse alone she grabbed a nearby item and cupped it into her armpit so she could run, then another small trinket, and another—anything that looked vaguely important. “Um, okay, just grab what you can and why do I smell smoke?”

Fire. Fire?!

“Fire!!” Astrid took one slow step back before another, quicker one. The Buizel was already on it, but this was bad.

She whirled around to face the nearest ally—the Mawile—and negotiated with her own paws to finally kick into gear. “We gotta book it!” she hissed over the sizzling blaze, already licking the walls and ceiling.

Then she ran, ran, ran… but not before dealing a few cursory blows to soften up the resistance in their way.

Astrid (37 STM, 22 TMP, -1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Interact @ Pick up item! (-3 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Maschiff 2 (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP) {Combat Intel: Maschiff 2’s Attack and Magic}
- Ice Shard @ Maschiff 2 (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
- Aqua Jet @ Watchog (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Walk to East Hall {warp to phase 2}
Net change: -21 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 16 STM (27 after regen), 28 TMP

Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 20 damage to Maschiff 2!
Astrid’s Ice Shard dealt 10 damage to Maschiff 2!
Astrid’s Aqua Jet dealt 8 damage to Watchog!
Odette’s Acrobatics dealt 10 damage to Patrat!
Rodion’s Slash dealt 14 damage to Watchog!
Isidora’s Ice Shard dealt 15 damage to Patrat!
Isidora’s Quick Attack dealt 9 damage to Watchog!
Isidora’s Feint Attack dealt 15 damage to Watchog!
Lyle’s Brawler strike dealt XXX damage to Watchog!
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Well, this wasn't the first time he was inside an alchemist's lab that was on fire.

Ghaspius idly floated around as tried to got a glimpse of what was around. He looked over at some of already charred papers and leftover materials. A hint of a smile pursed his lips. It'd be such a shame to see all the equipment go to waste like this.

He plopped in a bit of lamp oil and some crushed berries as makeshift dye and shook it up. A bit of makeshift colored smoke never hurt anyone. Except when it was toxic, but that was beside the point. Now all he'd need is a high amount of pressure.

He wistfully looked to the roaring flames nearby and chuckled as he held the vial over them. It was a gamble on whether the temperature would be high enough to create the pressure needed for the cork to burst out into a stream of smoke... or if the whole vial would just explode in his tendrils.

The Misdreavus shrugged. It'd cover their trail either way!

Ghaspius (Aux Rogue/Support)
Interact @ Alchemist Laboratory to make colored smoke and cover their trail!
"Oh goody, treasure!" Felin cackled as she dove headfirst into the burning vault. Her eyes gleamed with gold and her gaze darted back and forth in search for the most valuable thing she could take. Was she really a guildmon? One would have been forgiven for thinking she was a bandit in that very moment.

Felin leapt onto the cupboards, falling utensils and other memorabilia clattering to the floor in her wake. A glint caught the corner of her eye and hooked her attention. Just by the corner stood a mighty fine sword. Certainly it'd fetch a good price, if she didn't keep it for herself that was. She grinned from ear to ear and lunged herself for it.

"You look interesting! How about I take you to my place," said the sprigatito, giggling impishly as she dragged it by the scabbard. It weighed her down, and she cursed at the feeble muscles of her arms. She wasn't about to give up.

Felin grinned at Steven nearby and waved an arm to grab his attention. "Hey Beldum! I could use a hand over here, and you're all hand."

Felin Aux: Felin attempts to lift heavy sword. She calls to Steven for help!
Odette was slow to react to the safe breaking open, so her jaws went ahead and did it for her.

"̸W̴h̴a̸t̷?̸ ̸N̴o̶ ̶c̴o̴c̵a̵i̵n̵e̶?̴ ̸M̴y̵ ̶d̶i̵s̸a̴p̷p̷o̷i̸n̵t̷m̴e̷n̴t̵ ̶i̶s̶ ̸i̷m̵m̴e̶a̷s̷u̸r̵a̷b̶l̷e̷ ̷a̵n̷d̸ ̸m̷y̶ ̵e̶v̴e̴n̶i̶n̵g̶ ̸i̵s̵ ̶f̸u̶c̸k̸i̸n̸g̸ ̵r̷u̶i̷n̷e̸d̷.̸"̵

Blinking through the threatening hallucinations, Odette could just barely make out what was inside. Typical rich guy stuff, but some things looked more valuable than others, and whoa was that Guzma without his shirt on, holy--

"Help, help! We're under attack!" Steven shot out from his hiding spot, screeching and chiming as loud as he could.
A familiar voice reached her ears, and despite the fact they were saying some pretty distressing things, she started to relax. Yes, that was her beldum friend. Her cool beldum friend in the bolo tie. Or, so she thought.

Upon turning her head slightly, she saw all four of the Teletubbies standing nearby. Turns out, that familiar voice was coming out of the purple one. Great distress had crossed its otherwise blank face, and Odette frowned.

"Hang on..." she drawled. "The fuck are you doing here Tinky-Winky? You're supposed to be a rotom, not a beldum."

"The bandits, they're in the ballroom! There's so many, they're too strong! The mayor said he needs reinforcements!"
That time, the green one spoke.

"You know what, Dipsy...why the fuck...aren't you guys helping them? Just...be rotom...and short out the power supply, I don't fucking--"

Then, everything was on fire. And the Teletubbies were gone with the flame. Odette gasped in horror, while her jaws cackled again.

"Oh my gods guys, we killed the fucking Teletubbies," she cried.

"̷A̶N̶D̴ ̴I̴T̵ ̴W̷A̷S̸ ̴F̴U̶N̸N̶Y̵.̶"̸

The rush of despair she felt was enough for her mind to clear yet again, and she blinked the tears out of her eyes and turned sights back on the study.

"I'm off my gourd, holy hells," she muttered as she stumbled into the newly opened space. She had enough clear thought to know to grab one of the more important-looking items, but the rubber ducks came back stronger than ever. As she was about to leave, she turned back and eyed what looked like a wall of weapons with the same scrutiny she would as if she were standing a perfectly in-tact shoe store. The flames didn't bother her anymore.

One of the items, a Beanie Baby of a bearitc with a beautifully toned set of abs, was beckoning to her in a sultry voice. She didn't hesitate to grab it off its holder and rush back out into the hall.

"Wow this is a lot of firepower for someone just trying to protect their weird Beanie Baby collection," she shouted over the commotion. But, she was just off her rocker enough to play along. Then she could help the Teletubbies, wherever they'd gone off to after they burned up.

Odette (27 STM, 13 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Interact @ Safe (-3 TMP) [Grab Goal Item and Possible Weapon (per GM discretion)]
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Acrobatics @ Patrat (-13 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ [Watchog] (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Walk to East Hall
Net change: -19 STM, -1 TMP
Net totals: 8 STM (18 after regen), 12 TMP
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Lyle barreled ahead and ran into the Watchog with a Flame Wheel as the cries went out to get out of dodge. He didn't bother to see whether or not his attack had made its mark as he ducked into the Vault and grabbed whatever could fit into his paws before bolting.

"Someone please tell me that we've got an exit lined up out of here!"

Lyle (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
Brawler: Strike @ Watchog
"Rodion!" she shouted. "Put out the fucking fire! Use Soak!"

Rodion nodded as he finished scarfing down an Oran Berry.

"Don't have to tell me twice!"

The Buizel stepped forward and spat up a torrent of water into the safe room, making sure to target every spot the flames had spread to. After being certain the fire was out, he turned back around and called out to his teammates.

"Grab whatever you can and hurry! We're getting out of here!"

Rodion didn't waste a second and rushed into the vault, taking as much he could before shoving it into his bag. He wished he had more time to work with, but he supoposed this had to do. He turned around before dashing out the vault and the study right into the central hall, readying one of his swords as his eyes fell on the Watchog guard blocking the path.

"Out of the way!"

Rodion (46 STM, 12 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Soak @ Safe Room (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Safe room (-3 TMP)
- Walk to Central Hall
- Slash @ Watchog (-13 STM, +3 TMP)
Net change: -33 STM, +5 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (24 after regen), 17 TMP
Steven didn't wait to see the results of his distraction and darted through the crowd as soon as the guards turned to acknowledge him. Stealth be damned at this point. He broke through into the room to see a massive vault door on the ground, and flames licking at the room behind.

"What on earth?" he chimed in shock. Good intentions or not (were you sure about that, Voice?), the commotion he'd run up here to tell Odette about paled in comparison to the chaos unfolding here.

Speaking of said steel type, he spotted her stumbling into the burning vault and chimed again in alarm. "Odette!" he cried, dashing towards her, determined to drag her out of there if he had to. The flames weren't good for either of them...
"Hang on..." she drawled. "The fuck are you doing here Tinky-Winky? You're supposed to be a rotom, not a beldum."
Steven blinked. "What?" She definitely wasn't in her right mind, babbling about tele-somethings? "Odette, we have to go. Downstairs, Sonora's here, and--"

He didn't get to say more before she grabbed something from the vault and shot past him and out of the room, slamming into one of the guards on the way out. On the way by, he could have sworn her rear jaws smirked at him.

He blinked again. "Okay...?" At least she was out of danger for now.
Felin grinned at Steven nearby and waved an arm to grab his attention. "Hey Beldum! I could use a hand over here, and you're all hand."
Steven turned at the sound of the voice, and spotted another pokemon that definitely should not be hanging out in a room that was currently on fire. The sprigatito was attempting to lift a sword that was way too large for her. Was this one of the bandits?

Never mind, there wasn't time for that. Bandit or not, no one needed to go down in flames today. And it's not like he hadn't already gotten mixed up in helping to rob the mayor's secret stash. He rolled his eye at both the mess he found himself in and the grass cat's pun, and scooted over to her side.

"Here, I got you," he said, wrapping his claw around the handle. It was heavy, but nothing he couldn't handle with a little boost. "Hold on tight."

A low hum built around Steven as he concentrated, and to both him and Felin, the sword would begin to feel lighter... Then, with a pulse of magnetism, he shot out of the room, dragging both sword and sprig out of there with him.
Things seemed to go by in a blur. There was a lot of fighting, where it was hard to see what was what and what direction everything was going in, and then suddenly the big heavy vault door had been blown apart, and they were... stealing, she guessed. And that was supposed to be a good thing?

Well, these were a bunch of wealthy stiffs who probably didn't even consider this their main house. Especially not if they were willing to tear it apart in such a way--and oh wow, there was one of the guards about to burn everything. She thought that was an excellent response to getting some trinkets nabbed, which meant it was an absolutely terrible response and obviously the bandits were in the right then! Or they'd grabbed something important and whatever it was, said rich stiffs downstairs didn't want it leaving here. Which, either way, meant it was Leaving Here.

So she grabbed the first thing that caught her eye, specifically because it was just so weird she couldn't really tell what it was--it was a shame if that was lost to the fires before anyone could even figure out what it did, right? then screamed as the fire nearly licked her fur and tried her best to make it clear of the flames. They were going to escape soon, right?

Espurr (Caster/Spotter)
@ Grab: weird object
Rodion said:
"Grab whatever you can and hurry! We're getting out of here!"
Isidora stared into the flaming room. Instinctual fear held her back. With the pain of her current wounds, she wasn't sure if she could afford to run in there. "I'll just... secure our exit!"

She turned to the patrat guard and rushed her, knocking her clean out with an icy slash of her claws. Then she dashed out into the hall, knocking straight into the watchog and near-instantaneously following up with a slash from her Feint Attack. She fell back to let the cyndaquil land the finishing blow and ran for the west hall, fishing an oran berry from her bag. Oran berries weren't ideal combat medicine, but it was all she had. With any luck, things work differently here...

Isidora (48 STM, 17 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Ice Shard @ Patrat (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Watchog (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Feint Attack @ Watchog (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Walk to West Hall
Net change: -19 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 29 STM (41 after regen), 21 TMP
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