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Search results

  1. Philly

    Open the Rehab Center

    Blaziken jumped out of the box and looked for his friend, the Gallade. He saw Gallade and then saw the professor and head what he said, and, with is rudimentary knowledge of English he knew that he wanted them to gather, and tried to communicate that to the other Pokemon.
  2. Philly

    Open the Rehab Center

    Okay, edited. Is Touched accepted? Is Blaziken?
  3. Philly

    Open the Rehab Center

    Umm, Mewtwo, Lions are found in the Savannah plains of Africa, unless it is a mountain Lion, which is found in the mountains.
  4. Philly

    Open the Rehab Center

    Nickname: Blaziken, if that's okay. Species: Blaziken. Reason: Was tested on be Team Magma to try to create a Human-Pokemon Hybrid Area: Field? Background: He was stolen from his original owner, Ruby Lehrer, by Team Magma, during their campaign to revive Groudon, and was tortured and tested...
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