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Open the Rehab Center


It's feeding time
Another RP? You bet your ass.
All pokémon have powers that's beyond the reach of a human, that humans wont ever achieve, but these powers also cause many Pokémon to be abused by crime syndicates, whether they become caught wild, stolen from another trainer or get breed from the very beginning, the Pokémon are never seen as beings, just as living weapons. And even if many get rescued, what happens to them to make them available to trust and live with humans, who once abused them and treated them as slaves? Nothing, nothing at all. The Pokémon professor Ezra Willow used his research money to open "The Pokémon Rehab Center" in the little undisturbed town of Twinleaf Town. The center is somewhat like the Great marsh in Pastoria City, a big, empty area for the pokémon to be in, but unlike the Great Marsh it isn't a marsh, there is a place for every Pokémon there, there are part forests, part open fields, part underground caves, some abandoned houses, lakes, and many more things. Every area is taken care of by each of Ezra's trusted Pokémon.
The forest: Ezra's Cherrim "Cheers" [F]
The plains/fields: Ezra's Absol "Sol" [M]
The lakes: Ezra's Milotic "Venus" [M]
The caves: Ezra's Tyranitar "Rex" [M]
The abandoned house: Ezra's Dusknoir "Ifrit" [M]
All of these Pokémon take care of the Pokémon in their area, being like a leader of a pack, teaching the ones in their pack how it really is being with humans, and how fun it is. However, in some cases, Pokémon were raised to kill, and Ezra realized how dangerous those could be, so he, as the Pokémon professor he was, studied in a way to REMOVE known moves and revert evolution, in order to make a new beginning for the Pokémon that need it, he managed to make a liquid that had nearly the same substances as a Everstone, but contains more of the substance that stops the evolution, causing it to remove the things in the Pokémon body that changes in the evolution, this triggers a chain reaction which makes the Pokémon go to the base stage again. Another substance in the liquid disturbs the part of the Pokémon mind that handles the moves they know, and makes it "crash" and remove all the knowledge of current moves. With the liquid produced in a big amount, and the area ready, Ezra called the police, and made sure they sent him any Pokémon they retrieved from any kind of syndicate to him.

Signup form:

Nickname: (This is in the RP itself given to your character by Ezra, but you get to choose it when you write the form)
Species: (No legendaries, and you can be any stage of evolution)
Gender (duh)
Reason: (The reason you're going to the Rehab Center)
Area: (what area you are in, try going as similar as possible to the area the Pokémon is found in the games.
Background: (A short story of your character, no need to go long)

  • Since this is a rehab center, if your character is fully evolved and becomes aggressive Ezra can shot you with a dart filled with the liquid mentioned, and since he shoots with a freaking gun, there's no denying you got hit.
  • There is a sort of roof, so you can't fly away if you're a bird, ghost, etc.
  • You can't be a human, if you want to, you can't.
  • max two characters.
  • You play out your personality.
  • Follow ALL RP rules.
  • if your character specie can be found wild, choose where lower stages are found.
we begin when there's at least four people in.

list of accepted:
Objection!/Axis the Rotom
Evoli/Rue the Espeon
Philly/Blaziken the Blaziken/Touched the Gallade
Ayame/Stell the Ampharos
Darksong/Blizzard the Seel
Blaziking/Blaziking the Munchlax
Cryptica/Frederick the Venonaut
Mewtwo/Erican the Pikachu/Luxury the Luxray
Shadow_Lugia/Solaf the Zubat/Scissors the (now is) Schyther
Blastoise428/Mark the Bulbasaur/Guy the Gyarados
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Nickname: Blaziken, if that's okay.
Species: Blaziken.
Reason: Was tested on be Team Magma to try to create a Human-Pokemon Hybrid
Area: Field?
Background: He was stolen from his original owner, Ruby Lehrer, by Team Magma, during their campaign to revive Groudon, and was tortured and tested on, and changed at the microscopic level, changing his DNA to be a small portion human, allowing him to be very smart, and solve problems very quickly, which is helpful in tight situations.

Nickname: Touched
Species: Gallade
Reason: Was captured by Team Magma and tested on to try to create a Human-Pokemon Hybrid
Area: Field?
Background: Was captured along with Blaziken, but when he was tested upon they actually tried to take his DNA and mix it with that of a human, but failed. He now has only part of his DNA that he needs, and the other part is that of a Gardevoir. This was the only DNA that they had that was even close to Gallade DNA to replace it with, and they replaced it because the Head, Maxie, does have a soft spot in his heart.
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Nickname: Erican
Species: Pikachu(two. Cloned by Mewtwo, and mistaken for everyday Pikachu.)
Reason: Was found in the wild, tail cracked and bleeding, scar on his forehead, a little to the right(our right, not his). Was carried to the Rehab center, and immediately started liking Ezra.
Area: Something similar to Viridian Forest.
Background: He was cloned by Mewtwo, and he escaped the island. ((If he did in Mewtwo Returns anyways, I haven't watched it yet.)) Mewtwo actually gave all of his clones something called Shadow Power, and it only activates when the Pokemon is fully raged. (Will be taken out if you don't deem it appropriate.) Some humans found out about the Shadow Power, and they tried to capture him. He just Shadow Powered them all. Except for one. His name was, umm... I think it was Giovanni. After Giovanni tried to catch him, Erican went to the Rehab.

Nickname: Solar
Species: Luxray
Reason: Again, found in the wild. This time, he was barely clinging on to life, at that, his life is scarred. He has no passion for all humans except for one, which he shows second to none. That human is Ezra.
Area: Somewhat jungle-ey, saying you can't find Luxrays in the wild, and Luxray is based off of a lion.
Background: Here is also some appearance. His tail only has three spikes. His tops fur spike thing on his head is split a little on the top, like a Shinx's is. His fur is darker than normal.

OK, for the background. He is very uncaring, Erican exceptional. They sometimes get play sessions together, usually when Solar is worked up. He is too proud to accept food from humans, so they hide it when he's not looking so he thinks he found the food.

Species: Delibird
Reason: Goes phsyco on certain types of pokemon and gets super powered when angry/scared, needs to be kept under control.
Area: Abadoned House, like the Pokemon Mansion but deserted.
Background: Had a troubled past and was abused by a Houndoom pack. He worked as a slave for a few years but escaped when the pack overthrew their leader. He hates certain types of pokemon and is quite shy, generally quite friendly if its someone he seems to like.


Name: Axis
Species: Rotom (Shiny if possible) (Red)
Reason: Was overpowered on illegal battle drugs by a evil trainer and went crazy, was brought up by a pack of Zigzagoon and regained his sanity.
Area: ^See above abandoned house. (Partly lives in the TV for sleep.)
Background: Likes to be in a big group , quite strong but gets tired easily. Hates male trainers.
Umm, Mewtwo, Lions are found in the Savannah plains of Africa, unless it is a mountain Lion, which is found in the mountains.
((Philly, your Blaziken character is not accepted, I want them to be a BIT normal, being able to talk is not. Mewtwo, Erican is not accepted, make your own character. Objection!, Sky is not accepted, super powering won't really work in this RP.

I might allow characters that was experiments, but it annoys me severely doing so, so try to make a bit normal!

you'll be accepted when editing things stated above, and adding gender, which silly me forgot))
Okay. What if he goes crazy and starts thrashing for hours instead of going superpowered.

Is Axis accepted?
Nickname: Rue
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Reason: Rue was found in a trainer's house, and it was found out that she had been abused quite a lot. Because of what happened to her, she is absolutely terrified of almost anything that moves and even things that don't, including humans, other Pokemon (Particularly Weavile), pencils, sewing needles, large books, and boots. She was sent to the Rehab Center to (hopefully) go back to her old self and possibly be returned to her original trainer.
Area: Plains/Fields
Background: Rue's trainer owned two Jolteon. When she was born, the trainer was scheduled to leave on a trip to Johto for a Pokemon battle tournament. She left Rue with her parents. She was very happy with them and even evolved. But then, the trainer's mother fell and broke two ribs, and they had to leave Rue with a friend while she (the Mom) got better. The friend, however, decided to train Rue to be a fighter for competitive battling/ To make her more violent (Being a timid, skittish creature in general) he often made his Weavile attack her to make her fight, and often kicked or otherwise abused her. After about a month, she finally snapped and attacked him, sending him to the emergency room. His story that he was attacked by a wild Pokemon wasn't believed at all, and police investigated, finding Rue as she is now.
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((Kay,that's better, accepted
And Evoli, that's such a sad background. ;_; you're so accepted))
Woo! That's basically what happened to one of my best friend's dog. Not the getting left with a mom thing, but before they adopted him from a shelter, and he was abused like that a lot. He's afraid of rabbits. ;_;
But he's okay now. On a more related note, (please don't strangle me for asking ;D) When does the RP start? Rue is already one of my favorite characters. ^^
*dies of smiley overdose*
Nickname: Stell
Species: Ampharos
Gender Male.
Reason: Stell was raised to fight, never shown compassion. When Stell did not prove to be strong or brave enough, he was left for dead. He has a crippling fear in battles, and many other troubles.
Area: Grassy area.
Background: Stell was born in the wild, but caught at a young age by some ambitious young trainer. The trainer was good to Stell, and one day decided to trade him. Unfortunately, his new master was not a good person: he scared Stell, and he was mixed up in a crowd interested in building strong weapons. Stell was trained harshly, and was constantly afraid of disapproval. His reluctance and fear in battles made him worthless. This had been apparent from his youth, but they had hoped he would grow out of the flaw. Soon after he evolved into an Ampharos, he was abandoned. He distrusts those at the Rehab Center, and is unsure of their intentions.
((May I join? :3 ))
Nickname: Frederick
Species: Venonat
Gender: Male
Reason: Was found badly injured in the wild.
Area: forest
Background: Frederick lived with his family in the Safari Zone, safely tucked away in some trees. One day came a Trainer. This Trainer was a Rocket, looking for rare Pokémon to use for tools. He arrived at Frederick's hollow and instantly brought out a tough Pokémon, wiping out every member of his family permanently. He almost got away, but was captured by the Rocket and used for crime. At his best chance he escaped and was found by the Rehab Center.
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((This is a really active roleplay, isn't it? I might leave if everyone's posts are really short. I like to see longer posts than that.))
Hey, my form was pretty long. >>
I really hope the roleplay starts soon. And that if it starts when I'm not on, that I don't get left behind..
Mewtwo, is it all right if you change your Luxray's name? I'm not really comfortable with you having a character with the same name and species as one of my characters in another RP.

Nickname: Blizzard
Species: Seel
Gender: Female
Reason: Was used in a harsh marine show-like event, but when she got sick, she was thrown out onto land because she was too weak. She was found at Verity Lakefront.
Area: Lakes
Background: She was born in the marine show center's tank, so never saw the outdoors. She participated in the show, although the training was harsh and the masters almost continually whipped her. One day, she fell sick, and they threw her out because "She wasn't good enough for them." Then, thankfully, she was found.
Hey, my form was pretty long. >>
I really hope the roleplay starts soon. And that if it starts when I'm not on, that I don't get left behind..

I wasn't talking about your form; my posts seem to always have some sort of thing that can be interpreted as being towards someone.

I should really think more.

Anyhow... I meant to say that I just dislike joining roleplays where most posts consist of a sentence or two with hardly any thought put into it and spelling/grammatical errors here and there. This is not directed towards any of you- it's just what I prefer.
No, I didn't interpret it as much of anything. I'm just being whiny because the RP's gonna start exactly when I have to get off the computer, I just know it. ^^;
But yeah, that sort of thing annoys me too. :D
I'm using w-a-a-a-y too many smilies.
((Everyone except Cryptica(Your form is somewhat wrong) is accepted. I'll start the RP, then I have to go. I forgot to mention that since the Rehab Center is newly opened, no one is there yet))

Ezra sat outside the rehab building, wearing a classic lab coat like most of the Pokémon professors, on his head sat a Togekiss, looking around. A truck came down the road and stopped at the building and a police came out of it.
"Mr. Willow?"
"Just call me Ezra"
"Fine, Ezra, I was given the task to take these pokémon here for rehabilitation"
"Most of them are sad cases, I guess?"
"You bet, a Espeon that was constantly being beaten and tortured, A Blaziken and a Gallade that was used as lab rats, a Rotom that went insane due drugs and I could continue forever"
Suddenly there was several smashes from inside the truck storage, the police turned around, "Yet that one is the worst" Ezra looked wondering, "What's with "that one" The police turned to Ezra, and a look of rage and disgust filled his face. "A Gallade" He said, "Not the one mentioned before, but he's the worst case there is. He was a fighting machine belonging to a small syndicate we managed to finally caught, and the judge said that they would lessen the punishment if they told where they got him, but when they were done the judge felt like sentencing them to death, they killed his parents in front of his eyes, and trained him until he couldn't stand, constantly drugging and torturing him, giving him nearly no food and water at all" Ezra shivered at the police's story. The police continued, "He was very aggressive, and we needed to have a Alakazam constantly using Disable at him, he ate and drank like a starved Slaking, and even walking to close could make him try to kill you" Ezra was disgusted by what the police had said, but then shined up, and said: "if a life worth living was a arcade game, that guy had a Game Over so long ago, but let's give him some money so that he can restart, shall we?"

Later, Ezra released all the Pokémon inside the boundaries of the "backyard" of the center, which was nearly as big as the entire Twinleaf Town, "It's just find a place around here you like and stay there" He told them, even if he knew they didn't understand what he said, he then walked in, and closed the door to the main building, leaving them in the giant, open area, there was a big lake close to the building, a cave going under the ground around 200 metres away, much longer into the boundaries was a old house and there was a forest covering a somewhat big part of the area, the rest was either an open field or tall grass, there was somewhere to go for every of the Pokémon.
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