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Open the Rehab Center

((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
Rue looked around nervously. Other Pokemon were there that she didn't know. And a human..?
She flattened herself against the ground in an attempt to not be noticed. There wasn't anywhere to hide, it seemed. Not good. The Espeon stod up slowly and ran away, streaking off in a random direction. If there was a human or Pokemon, they were going to hurt her. And then she would cry, and then attack back, and get sent away again..
Axis yawned. He floated out of what he was currently in. Aaahh... Fresh air. Axis liked fresh air. He looked around and realised he had come in through a TV. He had no idea where he was but the last thing he saw was a Dusknoir.... Feeling dizzy.... going back to sleep...

-Later- Axis decides to look around the house to try and find someone...
((Nevermind, I can see posts now, my computer seemed to be fucking with me))
"Looking for someone?" the Dusknoir said, reacting at the Rotom, "I'm Ifrit, and you?"

An Absol was sleeping in the high grass, but woke up at the sound of steps, a Espeon walked just past him, it didn't notice him at all, he could see it was afraid, probably because of what just had happened, in a try not to scare it, he said, sounding as calm he could: "Calm down, no one's here to hurt you!"
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Rue stopped immediately and planned to spin around and hiss to make the whatever-it-was go away. Instead, she fell over and rolled several times before finally stopping. She jumped up, fur bristling with embarrassment. An Absol? She debated with herself for about ten seconds before slinking a bit closer.
"That's what he said, too! And she did, the Weavile. She didn't want to, but he kicked her and did bad things to all his Pokemon. They're going to come and hurt me more. Wait.. you are too! This is why I'm here? Don't..!"
She squealed and fled again, panicking.
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The Absol's eyes widened as he saw the Espeon run away, "Shit! that didn't work at all!" he told himself, and was about to run after her, but stopped in his movement, "No, that will just frighten her more" he began shaking his head, "What do I do?! What do I do?!" then he stopped moving his head, and looked at a shrubbery at his side, there was several kinds of berries, Oran, Watmel, Sitrus, and even some more, he stood thinking for a while, then wandered over to the bushes, picked several twigs with at least two berries at each, and ran after the Espeon. When he was several metres from her, he jumped at a tree, and used it to gain speed, and flew over her, while dropping the twigs, making them land in front of her, while when he landed a bit away, he quickly rolled over at his back, rendering himself somewhat defenseless. "Hungry? You can have those" He said, "I'm in a more cornered situation then you right now, so you're pretty safe"
Guy turned around and saw a Milotic. She was a dashing creature, but all the same she was ordering him around. He could take her! Guy spun his tail around and fired a Twister.
(My computer fucked with me too: I couldn't see my posts either, which was why I ended up posting all those times.

Shit, it was a nightmare deleting all those D:)

Solaf swiveled his ears around to best catch the Tyranitar's voice. It had apparantly woken up.
He replied to his question. "I feel so... tiny. Always did like to think of myself as a bit on the big side, but I've lost over a hundred pounds overnight. And I'm blind again. When you've been blind your whole life, and then can suddenly see, and it's taken away from you... It's frustrating."
He turned his whole head towards him now. "You didn't happen to have a role in this, did you?"
Erican walked around the forest. He went up to the Pokemon in charge for his area. He poked him(her?). "Excuse me, do you know where some food is? I'm kinda hungry."
Blizzard was knocked back by the Hydro Pump. She screamed, and began crying, not bothering to see that there was a Gyarados nearby.
Rue screamed and fell over again in surprise. She climbed up a tree in about three seconds, trying to get as high up as possible. The Espeon sat there, curled up in a ball and shivering with fear, waiting for something to jump on her and attack. She was quite hungry, but that Absol wanted to trick her, was going to hurt her if she went to eat the berries. It wasn't worth it, considering there was a human nearby. Maybe.
Go away go away, please go away I want my trainer.
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